5 Tips To Keep Your Hair Healthy This Summer

Summer is a season of sunshine, beach days, and outdoor adventures. However, the combination of heat, humidity, and increased sun exposure can take a toll on your hair, leaving it dry, frizzy, and damaged. Here are my top five hair care tips to help keep your hair healthy and vibrant during the summer months:

1. Hydration is Key.

Just as you prioritize hydrating your body during the summer, your hair also needs ample hydration. The sun, chlorine, and saltwater can strip your hair of moisture, leading to dryness and brittleness. Combat this by incorporating deep conditioning treatments into your hair care routine. Opt for nourishing hair masks or natural oils. One of my personal favorites is Hydrate.Me masque by Kevin Murphy, which is bursting with essential oils and vitamins from Rose Hip to deliver intense hydration and restore healthy body and shine. Apply these treatments once or twice a week to restore moisture, repair damage, and keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

2. Shield Your Hair from the Sun.

Prolonged sun exposure can weaken your hair's protein structure, fade its color, and cause dryness and breakage. Protect your hair by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or a scarf when spending extended periods outdoors. Additionally, consider using hair products that contain UV filters or spritzing a UV protectant spray on your hair. These measures will help shield your tresses from harmful UV rays and minimize damage caused by the sun. My current front-runner is Kevin Murphy's EVERLASTING.COLOUR LEAVE-IN. This powerhouse product preserves color vibrancy and protects hair from environmental stressors while nourishing, hydrating, and repairing. 

3. Minimize Heat Styling.

During the summer, give your hair a break from excessive heat styling. High temperatures can cause further damage, leading to dry, brittle hair. Embrace your hair's natural texture and opt for effortless hairstyles like braids, buns, or loose waves. If you do use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant spray beforehand to minimize the damage. Remember, air-drying your hair is the best option during the summer months. Perhaps you might even want to consider a Curl Cult Perm for a fresh summer vibe. 

4. Rinse After Swimming.

Whether you're taking a dip in the pool or enjoying a day at the beach, it's essential to rinse your hair thoroughly after swimming. Chlorine and salt water can leave a residue on your hair, causing it to become dry and dull. After swimming, rinse your hair with fresh water to remove any impurities. You can also use a clarifying shampoo occasionally to remove buildup and restore your hair's natural balance. The one I love is Malibu C swimmers wellness Shampoo. This is the ultimate swimmers' shampoo to tackle everything the pool throws your way.

5. Stay Hygienic.

Sweat, humidity, and increased oil production during the summer can lead to scalp issues like dandruff and itchiness. Maintain good scalp hygiene by washing your hair regularly with a gentle shampoo. However, avoid over-washing, as it can strip away natural oils and cause dryness. Additionally, consider using a lightweight conditioner to keep your hair moisturized without weighing it down. Scalp massages can also stimulate blood circulation and promote a healthy scalp. At deZEN, we love The Kitsch Scalp Exfoliator to gently massage your scalp and help reduce buildup. Use it while washing your hair to detangle hair and exfoliate the scalp. Get ready to feel squeaky clean and refreshed!

By incorporating these five practices into your summer hair care routine, you'll be able to enjoy the sunny season while keeping your hair nourished, protected, and looking its best. Embrace the warmth and radiate confidence with your healthy, beautiful locks!

Maria Elizabeth

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Founder | Owner | Stylist | Philanthropist

Loves helping her clients connect to their inner authentic selves. By making connections with her clients and team, she brings meaning and purpose to every engagement. With over 20 years of experience, Maria is a mastermind of all things hair and beauty. She especially loves techniques like balayage where she precisely hand paints hair to create exquisite color. She is also well-known for her precision cuts. She can literally cut a whole head of hair with the tiniest razor blade imaginable.

When Maria is not behind the chair, she does her best to support her team and community in every way. Watching individual stylists flourish in this every changing profession brings Maria much joy. Maria believes, that “if you are not reaching back to help others then you are not building a legacy.”


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