Alexandria Stylebook

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Can You Do This Simple Thing? It Could Save Your Life.

Before we go hard into our fitness "resolutions," I have a health-related, quality-of-life-prediction question: Can you get on and off of the floor without any help? Answer this first, and then I have a follow-up question. So go ahead, try it. But if you have any underlying injuries, balance issues, or heart conditions, please make sure you are safe by trying this with a professional first.

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Sometimes the importance of obvious and simple things in our everyday routine gets overlooked and ignored as we pursue life balance and goals. The way humans move today is not how our Creator intended. We were built to climb, crawl, jump, reach, run, and tumble as we hunt, gather, and run away from predators. Instead, we sit, slump, scroll, swivel, drive, and sit (I had to include that one again.)

So how did you do? Did you have to use your hands? Did you have to use momentum? Did you have to hold onto something (stable objects only, please)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's time to shift your focus.

Why is getting on and off of the floor so important? Researchers have found that this seemingly simple mobility task is a valid predictor of longevity as it assesses overall functional strength, flexibility, and balance. Now don't fear. If you can't do this gracefully, you can improve your function by changing up or adding specific styles of exercise and movement. Just because you can clip into your bike and ride virtually with thousands of user profiles, doesn't necessarily mean you are targeting your overall health. It's not about more - it's about what and how.

And now for the follow-up question: What can you do now to live longer?

  1. Keep exercising. General exercise is still the key to overall health and longevity.

  2. Add in flexibility, balance, strength, and functional mobility moves. Functional means they mimic our day-to-day activities like going up and down stairs (lunges/squats), getting in and out of bed (ab work), and getting on and off of the floor (all of it)!

  3. Get rid of the machines. Okay, fine. Keep your machines - but you don't need the machines! I know, you love the machines. I thought I loved the machines too - I am twice certified in all of the Pilates machines - but I choose otherwise. If you keep your machine workouts (treadmill, bike, stationary weights, Megaformer, etc.,) try moving around on the floor every now and then. It's what we were built for!

If you need more guidance, follow me on Instagram @drmeganbrown and meet us at the studios. We have an awesome new client deal for in-studio, and we are still offering our famous live virtual classes. We don't use any machines, and we require you to get down on the floor on your mat with us. 😁