Alexandria Stylebook

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Does Your Peloton Instructor Do This?

I get it. They’re hot and motivating, and they play good music. And maybe you’ll get a “special shoutout” (hopefully not the Sex in the City/Mr. Big kind.) You are all obsessed with it. My husband just got the new and improved Peloton Tread and runs seven miles effortlessly. He completely credits this new purchase. But recently, a good friend asked me about an IT band issue after multiple rides on her bike. After prescribing a few moves resulting in her return to pain-free “shoutouts,” I couldn’t help but wonder… how many other riders are having these issues?

Just kidding, a ton of people are having issues with their backs, knees, wrists, hips, and calves. I just wanted to keep the Sex in the City reference going. I get questions about Peloton ailments all the time - not just from people on stationary bikes but treadmill users too. Apart from adding in an in-person skilled exercise class every week (take a look at our schedule, we have a ton of experts), try these three moves to stave off the top repetitive use injuries I treat from “Peloton Inflammatory Syndrome:”

1. Hip Circles: Do these standing or on all fours. Try to keep your knee higher than your foot throughout the whole circle with the understanding that your knee may not lift very high. This move not only improves mobility but also strengthens your hips in the right places.

2. Active Glute Stretch: Did you know that the IT band attaches to the glute? I like this version of a glute stretch because it also counters the body’s positioning when on the bike.

3. Swimming: This classic Pilates move strengthens your core but focuses on extension, a motion the Peloton bike completely ignores.

Try these after each ride. They are a good start but not enough to counter the repetitive use injuries associated with doing the same workout in the same plane over and over again. Now don’t get me wrong, I am glad you all love the Peloton - you are exercising! It’s my job to promote exercise and wellness. But it’s also my job to help prevent and treat injuries, so lookout for a big new launch from Mind the Mat in 2022! Think virtual, think expert, think medical-based movement all on your smartphone, iPad, or flat screen.