Alexandria Stylebook

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Flowers With Purpose In 2023

‘Tis the season of…reflection. Now that we’ve all decked the halls and spiked the nog, it’s time to look back on the past year, and ahead to 2023. 

I’m not a particularly ritualistic person when it comes to the new year, and I don’t usually spend a lot of time analyzing the year behind me. This year, though, is a little different, because I’ve hired a business coach for the first time. And, as a result (and a little against my will), I’ve spent a good bit of this week compiling a list of our biggest wins of 2022, and also a list of goals for 2023. 

Despite pulling off hundreds of beautiful events and pushing the envelope in design, the win that topped our list was raising funds for two causes we cared deeply about.   

Back in March, at the onset of the crisis in Ukraine, we started selling yellow and blue bouquets to raise money for relief efforts. We were blown away by the response. Our community raised thousands of dollars in less than a week. Again, over the summer, we launched a campaign for gun safety, and had an equal outpouring of support from the community. 

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We are so excited to roll out a new program of giving – alongside beautiful flowers – for 2023. Our plan is to feature a special design each month, with a portion of profits going directly to a pre-planned nonprofit. Stay tuned for the rollout of our first ‘giving bouquet,’ launching in January. Do you have an organization for us to sponsor for the month? We’d love to hear from you!