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Balmy Sunshine & Arctic Blasts: These Cheerful Plants Will Get You To Spring

Just last week I had a rare quiet morning in my house. By some miracle, I woke up a full 30 minutes before my husband and kids. I snuck downstairs, made myself a coffee, and sat down at the kitchen table to gaze out the window. I was expecting a tranquil moment watching the sunrise, and instead, I was blinded by the decaying mums and ornamental grasses in my planters left over from the fall. I was horrified – I do planters professionally, and my own house looked a mess. 

This time of year is such a struggle for me. I’m a spring baby and I have a hard time with the lack of anything green during the winter months. I know I’m not the only one who gets the seasonal blues and pretty planters sitting on my porch give me the boost I need.  

The challenge this time of year is twofold: what can be kept alive as the weather yoyos between balmy spring and arctic blasts, and where to find these plants when nearly all the local stores are empty.  

I spent an entire afternoon driving around the DMV looking for plants that could survive in my outdoor planters, and I’ll admit, the choices were limited. I did have success at American Plant in Bethesda, so save yourself hours and head there if you’re looking for plants before the local garden centers stock up. Everything was in pristine condition – literally every plant. Sidebar: they also have a huge collection of planters, so if you’re wanting a complete porch makeover it’s worth checking out. Or, check out the beautiful new terracotta pots that have just arrived at Patina.

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Now, on to the plants themselves. I’ve been container gardening for years and I’ve honed in on some favorites that seem to survive best this time of year. Here’s my list of go-to’s that have always done right by me during the winter-to-spring transition: 

  • Hellebore

  • Kale

  • Pansies 

  • Ivy

  • Heather

  • Coral Bells 

For extra insulation from the elements and potentially freezing temperatures, I love top-dressing my planters with a layer of moss. And, if you’re looking for something vertical, reach for a spring branch like pussy willow or curly willow. I’ve been loving the local branches at MANSE this year, and I think you will too!  

Cheers, and think spring!