Alexandria Stylebook

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The Winter Sale to Kick off All Winter Sales!

Winter time means sale time. All the Christmas shopping is done and now it’s time to shop for yourself! We are always a little behind the big box stores on markdowns so we decided we would start BIG this year. Our winter clearance sale is 50 percent off! I don’t think we have ever done this big of a discount–and definitely not this early! We decided to go big or go home this year.

We will stay at 50 percent off until the Walkable Warehouse Sale which is always the first weekend in February. Of course if you can’t make it in, you can always shop online, too.

In-store, the sale starts on Thursday, January 4. We are also going to try and bring out the tables in the courtyard at The Shoe Hive if Mother Nature cooperates. We will have tables marked at $50, $75 and $100. There will also be racks at the back of The Hive with the same price points. The sale isn’t just for the women. Yellow Jacket will also be marked down to 50 percent off fall merchandise.

Shop early for the best selection, we know it will go fast!

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