Alexandria Stylebook

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"Let’s not forget about corduroy..."

This year, many women have been looking for alternatives to denim. While the tried-and-true lifestyle staple is easy to build on, redundancy can set in. Even with the many shades and styles of denim that are available, breaking into some new fabrics can keep your overall wardrobe rich and offer your tops a new outlook on the season.There is a wide range of fabric options in pants, such as velvet, brocade, tweed, plaid, leather, and suede. But let’s not forget about corduroy. Cords used to be the acceptable pant when jeans were too casual and a formal pant was over the top. For instance, cords could get you to a holiday party as a kid when your parents put the nix on your Levi’s. I consider corduroy the fabric that paved the way to casual Fridays.While comfortable by nature, it can be reminiscent of another era to some. So what do designers do to help overcome preconceived notions we may carry about corduroy? They offer the nostalgic textile in some modern silhouettes that feel polished and current. Who better to celebrate the benefits of corduroy than some of our beloved denim brands?TSALT recently acquired Paige Premium Denim. Did you know that Paige Denim’s success was based on its founder being the sought-after fit model for denim’s heavy hitters in Los Angeles? After consulting a life coach about her “next step,” Paige Adams-Geller took her passion for denim and created a brand that showcased denim from a female perspective.The denim market in 2004 was saturated by men. Paige wanted to create a California-lifestyle label. Today she is the owner and creative director of Paige Premium Denim, which employs more than 2,000 directly and indirectly. She is also a voice of the #MeToo campaign, sits on the board of the Rape Foundation, and recently opened up about her past in the September issue of British Vogue. Success stories such as Paige Adams-Geller’s are undeniably inspiring. Her mission encompasses passion, empowerment, and a way to give back.TSALT will be receiving some of the best of the brand's denim in 2019. If you are seeking that “other than denim” solution, I suggest the Sutton Cropped Paperbag Cords in the most delicious color of the season, Light Chestnut. Below, I’ve created a few looks that should inspire how useful they could be in in your own wardrobe.