Alexandria Stylebook

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Meet Katherine Kramer: Founder and Headmaster of ACCA

As the mother of a four-year-old daughter, one of the most common conversations among the parents from dance class to birthday parties to trampoline parks is: school. So many families move in and out of neighborhoods for schools, spending hours researching, getting recommendations and referrals, still worried if they have found (or are zoned for) the right one. When Alexander Finestone, a marketing and design expert I’ve met through Stylebook reached out to share more about the school she sends her children to – I eagerly accepted. 

I met her and Katherine Kramer, the founder and headmaster of ACCA at la Madeleine for a latte. I have to admit the title “headmaster” seemed intimidating. Maybe I’ve seen too many movies, so when Katherine walked over with a big smile, wavy hair, and bright lipstick, I instantly relaxed.

When I asked her how you even go about building a school, she wasn’t shy. With over 14 years of educational experience including administrative roles, consulting and faculty training, she had the right mix of experience and connections to embark on a new path. She had most recently worked in the charter school movement in an administrative role. “I felt so removed from the relational work of being with families and children, and I left. Families that I knew started asking, ‘Where are you going? What are you doing? There’s a need here. Start a school.” 

The conversation began in July 2023 and by September 2023, The Alexandria Classical Christian Academy (ACCA) was open for students, with 30 at the onset and seven full-time faculty. “Things came together so quickly. First the location, then the faculty…all in six to eight weeks. When things flow that seamlessly, you just know it’s meant to be. This was one of the first moments I thought someone was using me for a bigger plan.” 

Alexander added, “We’re all along for the ride…the fact that there’s been no obstacles is a blessing.” ACCA is located at 2932 King Street at the First Baptist Church of Alexandria campus. “A few of the families are members there, and my husband is very involved at this location. They have a new pastor who has a passion for this type of school…and having a school like this on their campus is just wonderful for all.” 

“There just aren’t enough options,” said Katherine. “Christian schools and nondenominational schools are having a hard time. We are a classical program, low tech and we spend a lot of time outdoors. We have a gorgeous outdoor space to use…and we’re often outside building forts. We have an academic emphasis with play, and we’re very transparent about being Christian and celebrating the gospel in our school. Classes are small with no more than 15 students, and our teachers are very involved.” ACCA is an elementary school – junior kindergarten through 5th grade, and plans to expand a grade per year, with 6th grade expansion coming next year (2025). They prioritize working with experienced faculty, with teachers having an average 11 years of experience. They’re recruiting for the long term.

The Alexandria Classical Christian Academy (ACCA)

Going into this school year, ACCA has doubled their attendance to 69. “The amount of parent engagement has been great. For Veterans Day, we had a Special Ops mission throughout the whole school. The students had to rescue me,” said Katherine. “We were running around the woods, creeks…that’s the unexpected huge bonus—we have a creek right outside our doors where the kids can catch tadpoles. They’ll have their waders on and they have their nets. We don’t need a playground, let’s get back to the basics. The children have thrived…it’s amazing to watch their growth and confidence.” 

They have a Marine Colonel teaching PE with his wife, and there’s art and music, too. “One of our big priorities is a quality music teacher, our curricular element is quite robust during the day, and we want to add more after-school clubs, like chess and robotics.”

While many of these photos highlight the fun ACCA has, Katherine made sure to emphasize the high standard for academic excellence. ACCA students participated in the nationwide NWEA Map Testing in May and the results were pretty impressive. The majority of their students scored at or above the 90th percentile in one or more of their Map Testing subjects and their 4th graders' average reading level is 11th grade. 

The ACCA school day starts at 8:20am and ends at 3pm, with extended care available until 6pm. There is also early morning care that starts at 7am, if needed. There is chapel once a week and Bible and theology classes every day. “There are many families from different local congregations – Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal.”

Katherine said there have also been socials throughout the summer so families can get together. I asked her about cost, and she shared that it’s “meant to be affordable for families,” and that there are discounts for families with multiple children and for military families. 

She is proud of what they have built to date and looks forward to growth. “I really love the relationships we build with families. There is freedom and very little bureaucracy.” The school year starts after Labor Day and admission season for the 2025-2026 school year starts in October. There is rolling admission for military families. 

Born in Oceanside, Katherine grew up in Southern California. Her family moved to the East Coast and stayed in D.C.; her dad is a retired Marine. “I didn’t plan to work in education, but I had a professor who taught pedagogy and I found it so inspiring…the formation of real people and to get to be part of that process in shaping a person…through teaching.” She also has a love for cooking, thrifting, and being out and about with her dog, a German Shepherd mix. 

Katherine will be joining Stylebook as a contributor writing about childhood education and development. We look forward to reading her insights and continuing our own learning on this parenthood journey!

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