Alexandria Stylebook

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Meet The Men Behind Marks-Woods

I've shared quite a few home tours and finished projects in my Stylebook articles. (If you haven't read them, click here!) When I was thinking about what to write this week, I realized that the only reason these projects turn out the way they do is because of the amazing team behind them. Most notably, the three owners who have created a company that is externally recognized for excellent home renovations while internally loved for maintaining a family-like atmosphere, something felt by employees and clients alike. So this week, I sat down with Byron, Greg, and Drew to get their thoughts on Marks-Woods, their projects, and, of course, our beloved Alexandria. Here is what they had to say:

Greg Marks, Director of Business Development

What is one of your favorite projects you've done? That is a difficult question because we have done so many unique projects. I'd say the basketball court project we completed in Alexandria a few years ago is top of the list. That project had multiple phases and challenges that forced us to think outside of the box. These were new materials and zoning restrictions that made the design process a little more complex. For example, we needed to meet the City's FAR (floor area ratio) requirements that required the building not be over a certain height while also making sure the court ceiling was high enough to actually play basketball. That took a lot of ingenuity and creativity.

Why do you love working with Alexandria homeowners? We are based out of the city and have been here from the start. We believe in shopping and staying local. When you are working in your backyard, it really feels like we are at home. It is about the community. 

What do you think is the best thing about Marks-Woods? I'd say it's our turn-key process with our pretty robust pre-construction services, in-house design team, and 30+ salaried construction crew. From start to finish, you work with our team. We provide cohesive experience in-house in lieu of subbing out certain phases of the project. 

What's your favorite thing about Alexandria? The small businesses are the root of the community. From small boutiques to local restaurants, there's a personal touch to every aspect of Alexandria. It feels like a small town in a lot of ways. 

Byron Woods, Contracts Manager

What is one of your favorite projects you've done? We just finished this project in Alexandria that featured a hidden door from the kitchen to the basement. If you didn't know it was there, you would think it's just another cabinet door - it blends in that seamlessly to the kitchen design. That project also had hidden storage for the dog under the stairs and a really cool spiral staircase into a new loft area. That home had a lot of small design details that made it collectively a unique and stand-out project.

What makes Alexandria so special? I love the close-knit community. We've been in Old Town from the start - over 20 years! Our main office is on South Union Street, and on any given day, I will run into a client on the street or walk past a project we've done. Nothing is better than that community atmosphere. 

What do you think is the best thing about Marks-Woods?  As the Contracts Manager in charge of all the estimating and proposals, I'd have to say our tried and true process and the level of detail that goes into our proposals. We've always valued transparency and the importance of a good estimate. Even as we continue to expand and grow, it will always be a priority and something we spend time and attention on to get right. 

Drew Marks, Operations Manager

What is the coolest home feature Marks-Woods has done? We completed a mid-century modern project in Great Falls last year where we had the fortune of homeowners that were super adventurous and open when it came to design. This resulted in the creation of a custom pantry built that doubled as a feature wall to separate the living room and kitchen. Detailed trim was added by our carpenters on site. The pantry featured a pocket door and sliding ladder. The living room on the opposite side had a floating bench and floor-to-ceiling porcelain panel walls surrounding a modern fireplace.

What do you love about working in Alexandria? It is rare to have the opportunity to work on historic homes one day while working on a modern remodel the next day. For those who love architecture, Alexandria offers it all, and I'd be willing to say it is one of the only places in the country that offers so much variety in such a small area. 

What do you think is the best thing about Marks-Woods? We have cultivated a family environment. Greg is my older brother, and as soon as I was out of college and ready to start my career, he and Byron trained me up and welcomed me to the team. A decade later, Byron and Greg invited me to join as an owner. We are family and treat our team the same way I was treated. We bring people on, train them up and nurture their careers as they advance into more senior roles. We are proud that people come to Marks-Woods and stay with us for many, many years.