Alexandria Stylebook

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Mingle Vintage With New

Step into Patina and you will notice vintage pieces mingling with brand new items. Why do we love this style? The obvious answer is that we all inherit things from family and friends, and lots of us enjoy flea markets and garage sales. The less obvious answer is that well-aged pieces with time-worn patina are what give a home its soul.

“If the exterior of a house entices, the interior must enthrall.” But once you enter the home, “it’s all in the mix, not the match.”

-Charles Faudre

Mixing the past with the present, blending vintage and new, and including accents from other countries, is a surefire way to achieve an inspiring look.

There’s something special about a room that arouses your sentimental senses, but achieving a balance that makes the room look elegant and inviting rather than untidy with a mishmash of junk is challenging. Every item you pick for your room should be of good quality and uniquely beautiful. Details are an important part of decorating. It’s the details that give a room depth and personality.

Our Decorating Words of Wisdom:

Always buy in pairs-even if you don’t need two right now. Trust us, later on, you will be happy you own the pair.

If you find something you love, buy it! The fact that you love it, means it will fit somewhere in your home.