Alexandria Stylebook

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Cruising Through the South of France

My husband and I recently returned from a trip to Europe which included one week on a ship, and one week in Provence. We had never been on a cruise and were excited for the experience. It was a smaller cruise line, SeaDream Yacht Club II. They refer to it as yachting, and not cruising. It’s approximately 120 guests with matching crew numbers and then some. The service is very personal, and your glass is never empty. 

The meals were excellent. Thai masseuses were at the ready to melt away our tense muscles, and the ports we visited were full of history and beauty. We did experience one evening of very active rolling seas. I actually had to push off my bedside table to keep from rolling off the bed! And this continued all night long. I popped a Dramamine about an hour into it and fortunately did not suffer any sea sickness. My husband slept like a baby but later admitted the activity had been pretty rough.

Our week in Provence included visiting Cassis, Avignon, St. Remy, Uzes, Nimes and Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. We saw beautiful churches, a roman amphitheater, Maison Carrée and of course a couple vineyards. Our last two days were spent relaxing and taking in the Provence laid back lifestyle. You start thinking – why don’t we live like this in Alexandria? Upon our return I actually took time to look around our beautiful town and all it has to offer. We can live like they live in Provence; we just need to take time for ourselves, enjoy our area and make time to do…nothing!

Once I returned to Patina I started to notice some “French” items and how to incorporate them into a “joie de vivre” of our own. See below:

Et Voilà! (There we are as they say in France)

See Also:  Fond Memories of Garfinckel’s in D.C.