Alexandria Stylebook

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Powered by Women

If you ask me my favorite thing about owning a small business, the answer would be easy. The thing I cherish the most is the community and friendships that the Alexandria business community has given me. The reason I have spent time helping create things like Alexandria Stylebook and The Old Town Boutique District is because of the people - and let’s face it, it is primarily a community of women. They’re strong, kind, smart, get-it-done women who work together to make this town a great place.Water makes all ships rise, and everyone in Alexandria Stylebook knows it. We can’t survive alone, we need each other, and we need the community that supports us. Our existence and success are intertwined and in a good way. I am acutely aware of the fact that The Shoe Hive and The Hive alone, as the only two retail stores in Old Town, would be closing up shop. I need people to come to Alexandria to work out at Mind the Mat or Alexandria Wellness, to grab a coffee at Stomping Ground, then run some errands like dropping off a consignment bag at Mint Condition, grabbing birthday cards at Penny Post, some makeup at Bellacara, and then maybe a quick lunch on the go at Mae’s when it opens. The list can go on and on. It seems that no matter where I go, it is a female-owned business and, oftentimes, I am lucky enough to call that owner a friend, a really close friend.I was talking to some of these friends, Angela (Bellacara), Amy (Penny Post and Red Barn), and Danielle (fibre space), about an event this winter we could all do together. It had just turned into a new year and we were ready to put our minds together. Then, Nicole from Stomping Ground posted about an amazing event in Los Angeles where female chefs were working together and it sparked an idea. Since this month is Women’s History Month, we thought it was the perfect time to launch a new event!We call it Powered by Women since we feel like so many things in Alexandria are just that. What is that quote from Margret Thatcher? “If you want something said, ask a man if you want something done, ask a woman.”All month in Alexandria Stylebook, we will be featuring some of our favorite female designers and entrepreneurs. I mean, it is pretty much what we do all the time - but we wanted to dig a little deeper.  Here is how we hope you will help us celebrate.We are calling it ‘10 in 10.’March 19 - March 28 support 10 of the businesses listed below and receive a stamp in a passport you can pick up in any of our shops (or you can download below). Be one of the first 100 people to collect 10 stamps and receive a custom Alexandria Stylebook canvas bag full of goodies from our members. It doesn’t have to be in 10 days; you can do it all in one day if you want - we just wanted to give everyone enough time.   

Click here to download and print a Passport

 Some of the businesses in Alexandria Stylebook don’t have a storefront, but we didn’t want to leave them out. This group is about including everyone! During the same 10 days, we will be holding an Instagram Live series on Alexandria Stylebook. Businesses like Alexandria Wellness, Mind the Mat, Helen Olivia, and more will be holding live workshops. Did I mention one lucky viewer of each workshop will receive a prize? We love a good giveaway.Make sure you follow us on Instagram @alxstylebook for dates, times, and details - we know it is going to be a great month!