Alexandria Stylebook

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Must-Follow Instagram Accounts

I spend entirely too much time on Instagram. It’s my social media drug of choice because I just don’t get TikTok and frankly don’t want to. I’ll leave that to others. I also don’t have time for videos though it’s surprising how easily I get tricked into watching them. Ugh. Give me all the pretty pictures and let me make up the narrative. Just for fun, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite Instagram accounts with you. These are the folks who make me laugh, make me think, and keep me inspired. Share your favorites as I’m always looking for new and interesting content!

First, let’s talk business. Starting with my internet boyfriend, Adam Grant. He is an organizational psychologist and professor at the Wharton School of Business at Penn. The author of several New York Times bestselling books including Give and Take, a book that was really eye-opening for me. Absolutely everything he posts is good. It’s short, concise, and always hits to the core. He’s also an introvert and a nerd, which is totally relatable.

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Second, is home inspiration. I can’t get enough of Cheap Old Houses. I love old homes and I love a good renovation. While there are only befores and no afters on this account, it allows me to pretend and dream of one day owning my own fixer-upper somewhere quiet and preferably wooded. Another is Roman and Williams. They are pure genius when it comes to commercial and residential design. Everything they create is pitch-perfect and perfectly moody. I would love to have an ounce of their talent.

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Third is fashion. When it comes to beauty and fashion, I personally keep it easy breezy, but when it comes to the accounts I follow, I go big. Following celebrity stylists and makeup artists combines my two loves and I get two dopamine hits at once. A win/win. Karla Welch is one of my favorites. She styles Cate Blanchett and Sarah Paulson, among many others. She rarely misses in my book. Another favorite is Jenn Streicher, makeup artist and New York beauty boutique owner. One, I love her grey hair, two I love that she owns a store in an enclave of New York City, and three she does amazing work. She does Emily Blunt’s makeup which is always flawless.

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Finally, food. I’m hungry just thinking about it. Smitten Kitchen is my go-to favorite. Deb always has incredible recipes. I have all three of her cookbooks and reference them regularly. Recently, I’ve found Justin Schubble of DCFoodPorn. This is the one place I’m a sucker for video. He runs through a recipe and makes it look so easy that I think I could do that. Both are simply delish!

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