Alexandria Stylebook

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Ringing In The New Year Trapped At Home Again

It feels like we’ve done this before…but here we are headed into the new year again during a pandemic. Many of us won’t have exciting New Year’s Eve plans but will choose to stay home and find comfort in other ways. Here at fibre space, we’ve noticed a lot more people starting a new hobby with us, either as a New Year’s resolution to learn something new or as a way to help soothe the anxiety of the unknowns that surround our daily lives now. Here are two ways that you can pick up a new skill, learn to make something you’ve never made before, or just keep your hands busy and mind distracted as we ring in another year of Covid.

Take a class with us!

Our in-person classes are small - six students max, and COVID-19 vaccines are required. In our Introduction To Knitting class, you will learn all of the basics of knitting and start your very own wool scarf. Read more and register here.

Grab a learn to knit kit!

We have several different kits that help you learn from home. All of these kits include instructions and the materials to make a scarf or fingerless mitts. If you drop a stitch or lose your way, stop by the shop for quick knitting help at our help desk. We are always available to help you get back on track!

For those who need quick satisfaction, grab this bulky scarf kit.

If you know you are committed to learning, pick up this fingerless mitt kit which includes a very thorough book of additional lessons and projects that you can work up to as you get through each new lesson.

Our basic scarf kit has an instructional booklet and the yarn to complete a ribbed scarf, the same project and yarn used in our introduction class.