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Permanent Makeup: So You Look Like You Woke Up Like This!

As warmer weather beckons, we want to spend more time outside and less time inside making ourselves up. Wouldn’t it be amazing to roll out of bed and only need ten minutes to get ready? Or to sing the lyrics “I woke up like this…” and actually feel good when those words come out of your mouth? 

Let me share an amazing discovery we’ve made and now offer at Salon deZEN: permanent makeup. “What? I don’t even have a tattoo on my body,” you may be thinking. And that could just be because you could never decide on a design you liked. But you know how you want your brows to look or your lips to shine.

When did permanent makeup become a thing? It actually dates back to ancient times. Cleopatra herself is believed to have been a fan. Kohl or henna was used to darken eyelashes, eyebrows, and lips in ancient Egypt. Over the last thirty years, permanent makeup was used post-surgery and for those who experienced alopecia or suffered from other ailments. Today, permanent makeup has become incredibly popular as a timesaving beauty method that enhances one’s features. And we are happy to offer any service that provides these benefits.

Salon DeZEN Aesthetics now offers permanent makeup services that include:

Eyebrows. Permanent makeup for eyebrows can be a great way to achieve symmetrical, defined brows. For brows, we do a brow mapping first to see where your ideal arches land. We will take your natural shape and enhance it based on the structure of your face.  On average, thee services will last for three years. We offer several different techniques including:

  • Microblading: Uses tiny needles to deposit pigment into the skin, creating hair-like strokes for a natural look. 

  • Brow lamination: This service is a relaxer for your brows, and gets every strand to go in the same direction so that you can achieve the shape that looks best for your face. 

  • Powder fill and Microshading: If you are more of a person who fills their brows with powder, you may like this softer powder effect. 

Permanent eyeliner and lash line. Permanent eyeliner can enhance the lash line and make the eyes appear larger and brighter. It can be applied in a variety of styles, from thin and subtle to thick and dramatic.

Caroline did my lash line (see “before” and “after” above) and I love it! One less thing for me to have to do in the morning, and it wasn’t painful at all. You can also request a lash line with a winged eyeliner. 

Lash Lift/Last Perm. This curls what existing lashes you have. This service will last for approximately six weeks.

Lip Blush and Lip Liner. This is a subtle form of permanent lip color that can improve the natural color of your lips, giving them a fuller appearance.

Coming soon: Eyelash extensions. 

How long do these services take? It varies from client to client. I suggest blocking out two hours to be safe. 

What not to do after service: For eyes, do not get them over-steamed or wet. No rubbing.

Is it painful? My lash line service did not hurt at all. For brows and lips, our aestheticians use numbing creams/gels before and throughout the procedure to minimize any discomfort.

So what are you waiting for? Enhance what you already have, save time getting ready and wake up looking more refreshed. Schedule a consultation and see what service is right for you. 

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