Alexandria Stylebook

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Seashells and Jewels At Mystique

Can you say, "She sells seashells by the seashore" five times fast? It's tricky! But it's not tricky to have a special place to hold your special jewels. Mary Mandros has newly created these one-of-a-kind shell jewel holders for Mystique. These shell motif designs are Objet d'art, meaning "art object" (or work of art) in French.

Dragonfly Jewel Dish with Daisy diamonds in 18K gold link necklace.

Decoupage, or decoupage, is an ancient art form. Trade links with Venice eventually brought the craft to Europe, where it gained popularity in the 17th and 18th centuries. Here are some of the unique shells and gems:

The Butterfly Dish

The Jacquard Design

The Moroccan Temple Rock with Crystal and Carnelian amulet pendant on an enamel gold chain

The Dragonfly Jewel 

Let's Play with Rubies and Diamonds

The Bathing Tent

The Tiger