Alexandria Stylebook

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Spring2ACTion With Mindful Junkie Outreach And The Shoe Hive

It seems like we have a bit of a theme this week: generosity. I have always considered Alexandria to be a very generous town. So many people here are philanthropically minded. I can't imagine there is another place where more folks give their time and money to charities. And there is no other day that shows everyone how charitable this town is than Spring2ACTion. Now in its 12th year, this is a day-long, city-wide event when Alexandrians come together as a community and support so many wonderful organizations.

This year we are all "springing" a little early. That is right - we want to get a little jump start and get people in a charitable state of mind, and who better to do that with than Gina White of Mindful Junkie (that was a weak attempt at a joke). I met Gina years ago when our daughters played soccer together and, of course, mutual friends on the sidelines introduced us. Gina has started a remarkable nonprofit that very few (as in maybe she might be the only one) could start. It is called Mindful Junkie Outreach, and it is a not-for-profit organization that empowers first responders with mindfulness strategies to be safe, healthy, and emotionally regulated. They focus on teaching first responders how to manage reactions, notice impulses, and work through emotions - in the moment and when they go home.

Gina was raised by two first responders and saw first-hand how the stress impacts the responders and their families. As a young adult, Gina learned about the connection between trauma, the brain, and emotional regulation and how mindfulness could reverse the negative consequences. After years of research and receiving her Master's Degree in Mindfulness, she created a Tactical Brain Training® as well as her nonprofit, Mindful Junkie Outreach.

Gina is not only making an impact on the lives of the first responders who receive her training, but everyone in the community they serve as well. It is truly remarkable, and if you meet her, you can tell how passionate she is about her work.

So how does The Shoe Hive fit in? Well, we are holding an event on Wednesday, April 20, to help raise money for Mindful Junkie Outreach. Stop by the courtyard at The Shoe Hive, have a cocktail, and shop for a cause. We will donate 20 percent of all sales to Mindful Junkie Outreach. You get some great new shoes or accessories, and you give to a great cause.

To learn more about her work, because there isn't enough room in this post to describe all the amazing work she is doing in our community and across the country, log onto her website or follow her on Instagram @mindfuljunkie. You might even be inspired to start a mindfulness practice of your own.