Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Cary Kelly

I am so excited to introduce you to Cary Kelly, one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. This woman is extraordinary, and I’m so thrilled that she has agreed to write Stylebook articles for us. You all are in for a real treat, to say the least!

Our dear friend Angela Phelps, owner of Le Village Marche in Shirlington, first introduced me to Cary a decade ago. Cary had just opened her marvelous olive oil and vinegar store that would later morph into the even more marvelous culinary store, The Cookery. From the moment I met Cary, I wanted to harness her confidence and energy for myself. She is so self-assured and self-aware that she commands any room she walks into. For most, that would mean hogging the spotlight, but not Cary. She’s graceful and kind, self-deprecating, and abundantly hospitable, so, instead, she directs that light onto others.

In search of the right words, I have written several paragraphs about Cary and deleted them. How do you sum up someone so special? Then it came to me. It’s her zest for life and how unapologetic she is. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Chile, she didn’t get married until she was almost 50 (and milked her single life for every ounce of pleasure), she had her own Executive Coaching practice, she’s a fierce social justice advocate, she owned and operated a successful multi-store retail business for a decade (and to top it off she ended a pandemic stronger than she started and closed The Cookery on a high note). Her love of food, family and friends, travel, wine, art, and new experiences knows no bounds. It’s inspiring and contagious.  One pre-pandemic October found her and Angela traipsing through Provence while the rest of us were suffering about Christmas sales. I mean, that’s how you live a life! If any of us gets even a fraction of the joy she has gotten out of life, then we should call ourselves fortunate.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce my very dear friend Cary Kelly, bon vivant extraordinaire, to the readers of Stylebook. Cary, I love you and am so grateful for you.

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography


Neighborhood: GW Park

What is your hometown? Alexandria, my parents came when I was a year old.

What would surprise people about you? I was in the Peace Corps in South America.

Favorite book or movie:  Anna Karenina

Guilty Pleasure: Homemade ice cream

Latest binge-watch: Pachinko

Bucket list travel destination: Vietnam


Define your style in three words or less: Casual, comfortable, a little bohemian

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Linen blouse

Favorite trend: Stylish maxi dress

Beauty product you can’t live without: Olive oil (the best moisturizer!)

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Sneakers


Go-to way to de-stress: A long walk

Most fun way to stay active: Riding bikes

Wellness goal: Maintain vitality into old age

Want to try: A bike trip in France

Proudest wellness achievement: Three-day hike in the White Mountains in Maine


Favorite room in your home: Kitchen

Antiques, modern, or a mix? A mix - some antiques; more modern colors and accessories

Last item bought for your home: Patio furniture! My favorite new “room!”

Favorite way to entertain: Small group around the dinner table… for hours

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Well-lived in, but not too cluttered. I love being surrounded by items I’ve collected while traveling.

Next planned purchase: Master bath renovation


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? Getting to know my neighbors and the vibrant business community.

Favorite spot in Alexandria: Let’s Meat on the Avenue

Last purchase in Alexandria: A variety of gifts at Red Barn Mercantile.

Best food spot: Ada’s on the River

Favorite local organization:  Together We Bake

Favorite annual Alexandria event:  Del Ray Art on the Avenue and Juneteenth