Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Kara Hill

Meet Kara Hill, my fabulous sister-in-law! Kara is also the Director of Marketing at Marks-Woods Construction, one of The Patterson Group's favorite local full-service design-build firms and general contractors specializing in luxury residential renovations and additions.

Kara, a northern Virginia native, and her husband Andrew (an Alexandria native) are proud Virginia Tech grads. They live in the Southeast quadrant of Old Town with their two amazing rescue dogs, Dillon and Mr. T! You'll often find this amazing family at Jones Point Park running the wiggles out of their pups or just out walking - Kara and Andrew walk everywhere!

Kara loves working with the homeowners in Alexandria. As someone who has experienced a complete home renovation herself, she enjoys talking with the clients about their shared experiences. Her passion is the historic district renovations, though. Kara finds the Board of Architectural Review process fascinating, and she takes pride in maintaining the historical integrity of our incredible town.

Kara has played a huge role in Marks-Woods' commitment to community engagement and business outreach. Kara serves as the liaison for Alexandria Stylebook, The Scout Guide, Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, Old Town Business Association, ACT for Alexandria, Seaport Foundation, and ALIVE! Marks-Woods is also committed to playing a positive role in the Alexandria small business community. Kara currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Professional Remodeling Organization (PRO) Mid-Atlantic Chapter, and the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Government Relations Committee.

Patterson Group and Alexandria Stylebook are thrilled to welcome Kara Hill and Marks-Woods Construction to the family. Their expertise in home renovations and additions will bring such great content on one of our readers' favorite topics - their homes!

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography

Kara is styled by The Hive with makeup by Bellacara.


Neighborhood: Southeast Old Town

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 12 years

What is your hometown? Fairfax, Virginia

What brought you to Alexandria? The love of my life.

What would surprise people about you? I like to dance.

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? I love history so traveling through time.

Favorite cocktail: Is sangria a cocktail?

Last book read or movie seen: Currently reading an Anthony Bourdain biography.

Guilty Pleasure: Anything chocolate and peanut butter.

Phrase you overuse: 100%

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: Sopranos, capiche!

Bucket list travel destination: Lake Como

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Coffee


Define your style in three words or less: Classic with edge

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Leather jacket

Favorite trend ever: Leggings

Favorite current trend: The puffer jacket

Beauty product you can’t live without: Shiseido eyelash curler

Favorite fragrance: La Labo

Heels or flats? Boots


Favorite room in your home: My office

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix

Last item bought for your home: New front door

Next planned purchase: New living room couch

Favorite way to entertain: Drinks around the firepit and under the lights in our backyard

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Well-lived in

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern, or no, so dated: Totally modern


Your go-to work-out: Peloton

Most fun way to exercise: Ice skating

Group exercise or solo: Solo

Fitness goal: Run a half marathon

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Boxing

Proudest fitness achievement: Being a Solidcore coach


Favorite spot in Alexandria: Jones Point park

Last purchase in Alexandria: Matching plaid collars from The Dog Park

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Mae’s for cappuccinos, Fish Market for happy hour, Hanks Oyster Bar for date night

Favorite local organization: ALIVE!

Favorite annual Alexandria event: No one does fireworks better than Alexandria at the annual birthday celebration!