Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Leigh Ann Rizzieri

I love a good neighborhood listserv. It’s obviously entertaining. I mean, the neighborhood theatrics are sometimes stranger than fiction. But what I love about them the most is that they are a wealth of knowledge. From parenting resources to dog boarding suggestions to free stuff on the curb, it’s a regular treasure trove. The best things I have found on the Beverly Hills listserv are team members. Three of our best people have come from that list, and I am forever grateful. Today, I’d love to introduce you to one of them, Leigh Ann Rizzieri, our Design Manager.

First, let me tell you Leigh Ann has the patience of a saint and a bedside manner that any doctor or nurse would envy. She also can solve more mysteries than Sherlock Holmes. These traits have been especially important over the last two years. You see, she is the person responsible for getting all your furniture to you, which, as you have heard or may have found out the hard way, is a bit of a challenge these days. Supply chains have caused her to deliver disappointing news, which she does with such empathy, to track down fabric and furniture with the tenacity of a bloodhound, and to monitor the progress of furniture that has taken months to get to us with said patience of a saint. All of this is done with the greatest sense of humor and perspective too. She continues to show up every day in every way, and I’m so grateful.

Speaking of showing up every day, last school year, Leigh Ann was the PTA Chair at Alexandria Country Day School. During a year of absolute upheaval and trauma, she led her families through the worst of the pandemic. I know they were grateful for her leadership. Talk about another job where you have to dig deep and muster up all the grace, patience, and empathy you can. She did it like a pro! And that (and the fact that she’s utterly stylish) is why we want Leigh Ann as this year’s poster mom for Shopkeepers for Schools.

Just like last year, The Hive, The Shoe Hive, Yellow Jacket, Red Barn Mercantile, and Penny Post will be donating 10% of our sales from February 9 to 16 to the school of your choice. To make it more fun, the school that receives the most donations will get an additional 10%! That’s 20% to put towards after-school programs, teacher grants, field trips, and so much more. Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, we will match that donation to Scholarship Fund for Alexandria. From pre-k to college, we are here to support the kids of Alexandria. So, spread the word to your friends, neighbors, and fellow families that shopping supports schools!

Without further ado, please meet Leigh Ann Rizzieri, mom extraordinaire, keeper of the furniture flame at Red Barn Mercantile, and someone I cannot live without!

Photography credit: Igda Warner

Leigh Ann is styled by The Hive.


Neighborhood: Beverly Hills

How long have you lived in Alexandria: Almost 15 years!

What is your hometown? Pittsburgh - I love my Steelers!

What brought you to Alexandria? A job and change of scenery

What would surprise people about you? After finishing graduate school, I spent time at Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, where I studied elephant behavior and its effects on the ecosystem.

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? The ability to communicate with animals

Last book read or movie seen: We are the Luckiest:  The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life by Laura McKowen

Guilty Pleasure: The Golden Girls

Phrase you overuse: WHATEVER!

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: Just starting Yellowstone

Bucket list travel destination: To go on a volunteer expedition like I did in Zimbabwe, but this time with my husband and daughter.

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Coffee, coffee, coffee


Define your style in three words or less: Chic and modern, with a hint of preppy.

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: One of my maxi dresses or caftans.

Favorite trend ever: Von Dutch trucker hats

Favorite current trend: Granny crochet

Beauty product you can’t live without: Kevyn Aucoin lip gloss

Favorite fragrance: Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt

Heels or flats? Heels are a thing of my past, so flats or wedges.


Favorite room in your home: My “isolation room,” which is a spare bedroom I redecorated during the pandemic.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Modern / transitional

Last item bought for your home: Walter G pillows

Next planned purchase: I promised my daughter a bedroom edit in the next few months.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Very much clutter-free!

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern or no, so dated: Totally modern!


Your go-to work-out: Walking Luigi, my toy poodle.

Most fun way to exercise: Yoga, preferably with goats.

Group exercise or solo: Either

Fitness goal: Going on longer walks with Luigi.

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: The Del Ray Turkey Trot

Proudest fitness achievement: Running a marathon.


Favorite spot in Alexandria: Waterfront Park, early in the morning, with coffee and the dogs.

Last purchase in Alexandria: Valentine gifts and cards from Red Barn Mercantile.

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: ESP for coffee / Barca for happy hour or a date night

Favorite local organization: Animal Welfare League of Alexandria

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Not really annual, but seasonal - Yappy Hours at King & Rye.