Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Tayo Adeyiga

Sometimes it’s just best to acquiesce, especially when it comes to Elizabeth Todd. You see, we “friendly fought” for a month about writing this Street Style introduction about Tayo, but their Mind the Mat relationship tells a better story, especially since it stems from hardships of the past year and a half. One of the greatest successes in this Mind the Mat journey has been watching strangers connect and develop friendships during class. Tayo and Elizabeth have done just that while suffering in HAWT Pilates - forever bonded by sweat and Saweetie. So Tayo and Fancy Pants... thank you for this gift.

From Elizabeth Todd, The Shoe Hive, The Hive, and Yellow Jacket: I have to fight Megan Brown for this introduction, so not sure who is going to get the top billing on this one. The reason we are fighting over who gets to write the introduction is because the woman we are featuring is so amazing. Here is the thing about Tayo: she has an inner peace and strength about her that pours out onto others. Let me explain - and I don’t think she even knows this story. Tayo and I had designated pre-covid spots in Friday’s HAWT Pilates class at Mind the Mat. This is how we got to know each other. I admired her abs and we counted songs to get us through class.

Covid hits, and so I don’t see Tayo for about six months. It was late last September between Brad’s diagnosis and surgery. Tayo did not know what was going on with my family, and one day Megan let me take class in person at a distance since she knew I needed it. To my pleasant surprise, Tayo was there with her sister. I was on one side, and they were far away on the other side. We were the only people there in the studio after so many months. I had been barely keeping it together for a week or so. I was trying to be strong, but something about Tayo’s presence made me just lose it - like an ugly cry. But in a good way, because I needed it, and she brought it out of me. Something about the familiarity of Friday class with Megan and Tayo was like a hug that I needed in a horrible time.

Now don’t get me wrong, as much of a comforting and calming presence that Tayo has, she is just as strong and independent. Here is the other great thing about her - she loves fashion. Like, loves it, especially designer bags. Her collection is insane. And yes, it is a collection.

Tayo has graced the pages of Stylebook before, but it has been too long, and really it could never be enough.

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography


Neighborhood: Potomac Yard

How long have you lived in Alexandria: Almost six years

What is your hometown? Yorktown, Virginia

What brought you to Alexandria? Family and career change

What would surprise people about you? I can be very introverted

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? Predicting the future

Favorite cocktail: Margarita on the rocks, no salt

Last book read or movie seen: Coming 2 America

Guilty Pleasure: Bachelor in Paradise

Phrase you overuse: Literally…

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: MAID

Bucket list travel destination: Maldives

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Wine


Define your style in three words or less: Edgy, sharp, classic

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: White tee

Favorite trend ever: Skinny jeans

Favorite current trend: Golden Goose sneakers

Beauty product you can’t live without: Lip gloss

Favorite fragrance: CLEAN Citron Fig

Heels or flats? Heels


Favorite room in your home: Bedroom

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Modern

Last item bought for your home: Louis Vuitton coffee table book

Next planned purchase: Restoration Hardware Cloud Sectional

Favorite way to entertain: Friends over for drinks on the deck with music and munchies

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern or no, so dated: No, so dated


Your go-to work-out: TIE! Orangetheory and Mind the Mat Pilates

Most fun way to exercise: With friends

Group exercise or solo: Group

Fitness goal: Just maintain and abs, ALWAYS abs!

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Boxing

Proudest fitness achievement: Just always being consistent with a routine for so many years now


Favorite spot in Alexandria: The Hive

Last purchase in Alexandria: A new home!

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Swing’s/People’s Drug/Brabo

Favorite charity: Animal Welfare League of Alexandria

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Fireworks for 4th of July