Alexandria Stylebook

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Senior Sendoff

I’ve always said the best part of being in retail is the people, especially the people with whom I have been lucky enough to work with over the last 20 years. Each year we always have a group of high school students who help us out on weekends, and during school breaks. I really don’t know how we would make the stores work without them. Weekends are so busy (well we hope they are) and without their help we wouldn’t be able to do it. It also allows us to take vacations during the summer and spend time with our families during holidays.

This year we have more graduating seniors than ever before. We also have a group that has worked with us longer than any prior cohort. Sydney, Megan, Tess, Avery and Phoebe all started with us back when they were sophomores. This group really is the dream team. This is also the first time we’ve had any guys graduating! Yellow Jacket literally would not have been open on the weekends without Garrett and Benji. Harry, as well, but he would have had a year left with us. The saddest part of closing Yellow Jacket was losing all the people who worked there. Usually everyone comes back for the holidays and we get to catch up their school life.

Speaking of school, this group is really impressive. College is basically impossible to get into these days, and these seven are all going to competitive schools that admit very few applicants. It really has been so great to know all of them. I say this about my own kids, too, but it really does go so quickly. We are sad to see them leave, but so excited for them. College really is the most fun four years ever and they’re stepping right into it — I’m jealous! Best of luck to all of you:

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