Alexandria Stylebook

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Winter Blues

I think I’ve mentioned before that I definitely suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It isn’t lost on me that the acronym is SAD because that’s generally how I feel when the weather is gray. Add precipitation for days on end and it’s even worse. This past week was a SAD week for me. Don’t get me wrong; I love a good rainy day as much as the next person. As long as it’s just that… a rainy day. Not a week or a month. The change in my overall demeanor when the sun finally comes out is so dramatic, you’d think I had just won the lottery. 

 Photo Credit:

 Well, the sun came out today. There was some cloud cover, but it was up there. I felt an overwhelming feeling of gratitude that it made an appearance. It’s funny because that’s a little how I’ve been feeling about people lately. I haven’t seen some of my friends in a very long time. I’ve also started to miss a lot of you all for the same reason. I am not in the store every day and since some of you pop in when I’m not around, I haven’t seen many of you in a long time as well. When I do catch you, I feel so grateful that I was there to see you.I miss seeing your faces, talking to you, and hearing what’s going on in your lives. I know that we are all being careful not to spend too much time socializing. I definitely understand that, and we have some months to go before that changes. But if you are out and about and do have the time or need to pop by the store, I will be there every Monday (except the 18th) this month and next. I figure if I have a dedicated day that you know I’m in the store, you might just pop by to say hello. I would love it. I don’t expect to have too much sun the next couple of months, but I know that seeing your faces will be even better.