Alexandria Stylebook

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One And Done Denim For Men

Remember that book Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus that was a hit in the early ‘90s? I never read it; I was in college, so I had better things to do. But it was hard to avoid hearing about it and all the psychological differences between men and women.

Now I don’t need to read the book, because I have a men’s clothing store and a women’s clothing store, I get it. It’s possible I could even write it. Especially when it comes to shopping. And even more so when it comes to jeans.

As a consumer of denim, I like to have many options. I need slouchy jeans, high-waisted jeans, wide leg jeans, and so on. Of course, I clearly need different colors and washes in each style. You have to have options!

This is not how it works with men. They need one style. Now not every style is for every guy – they are particular about it and of course when it comes to how someone is built, that also varies. But once they find their holy grail of denim, they want the same pair in different colors.

We asked AJ, the manager of Yellow Jacket, and John, Lacey’s husband to model for us. They have two very different body types and so they clearly like different styles of jeans. How do I say this? John was a college baseball player and was recently hired as a professional baseball umpire so he has more muscular thighs. He wants something that doesn’t have as narrow of a cut, but he still wants it slimmer in the calf.

Now that we've figured out this is how men shop, we decided to have a denim event so men can come find the jean that fits them best and then shop in “bulk” if they so desire. One-and-done shopping is also something men prefer as well. Once-a-year shopping is more than enough for most of our Yellow Jacket customers. Retail therapy just is not a thing for men. It’s a functional exercise to efficiently meet a need.

Our Paige denim event starts this Thursday and goes through the weekend. All denim is 10 percent off and of course, we can hem the jeans for free. We have lots of colors and sizes and options for special orders as well. We hope to see you at Yellow Jacket. I will even be working there during a few of the days so stop in and say hello. We have so many great new arrivals at all three stores. Spring is here!