It’s around this time that the new year starts to become a comfortable new normal, with the feeling that whatever has changed, even if it’s only the number 22 ticking up to 23, has come to rest and the cozy blanket of familiarity is back. Now that the twinkle lights are officially packed away (right?) and we’ve reclaimed our homes from festive knickknacks, we can start planning our grand adventures of the year—vacations, dates, and shopping sprees galore! Read on for travel inspiration and the latest scoop on Alexandria’s Warehouse Sale, undoubtedly the best shopping event of the year. And, if you’re looking for ways to give back to our community in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, then check out these ideas from Volunteer Alexandria.

Amy: A beautiful wall calendar to keep your days straight is a must-have as we start a new year. Recently featured in Northern Virginia Magazine, this Secret Garden Calendar is a perfect pick, full of bright floral illustrations and plenty of space for notes and appointments. We have so many wonderful calendars and planners on hand to help give you a fresh start and keep you on track. Have a look around and find your match!

Elizabeth: It’s time for everyone to mark their calendars for February 4 and 5, for the 19th Annual Warehouse sale. This year, it is still walkable around our lovely town, which makes us able to have so many more stores involved. The restaurants are getting in on the action as well! Keep checking Instagram and Facebook for the latest details, and get ready for the biggest deals of the season.

Britt: How would I recharge and refresh in the winter? I vote to visit a warm destination for a few days! We skipped down to St. Thomas for a few days with family and friends this past week. Baby Georgie was in heaven in the warm weather, spending time with her "mini," Phyllis, too!

Adrien: Here's the truth. “Super fit wellness wonders” did not get there overnight. It took time, dedication, accountability, and intention. As we enter the new year, now is a great time to consider where you can make small, positive, and sustainable changes in your life to achieve greater health and wellness.

I have the perfect first step for you to take to join the ranks of truly fit individuals. Register for my MASTER Menopause NOW! Mastering Stress Webinar. Join me on January 20, from 12-1pm, to learn how your stress may be holding you back from true wellness, and how you can feel better in your body. By attending, you are choosing to reclaim your life by dedicating yourself to a stress resilience practice. I can't wait to see you there!

Celthia: As we are always searching for the latest and greatest in skincare, we were recently approached by a local long-time esthetician, named Angela, who introduced us to her star product, Dusk Vale. Noted for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties, Angela created this super serum with a proprietary blend of active botanicals and potent, all natural ingredients that work to hydrate, strengthen, and fortify the skin. We’re loving this calming and dewy addition to our routine!


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