Alexandria Stylebook

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Meet Photographer Renée C. Gage: The Navy Journey Brought Her Here

“We moved eleven times across the U.S. and my husband Sam deployed and flew  all over the world …as well as circumferenced the world on a ship.  When we were married for seven years, he had been gone for almost four of them. There were so many  Navy moves, with multiple kids, sometimes together and sometimes solo, yet every time there was a sense of excitement and positive energy.  Every place we left, I was a little sad. If I wasn’t sad when we left a place it would mean we didn’t pour our whole hearts into where we were. But we did. It’s part of our story, our Navy adventure.”

Chances are you already know of local master photographer, Renée C. Gage. It’s rare when we walk down the street in Old Town together that she isn’t stopped by at least four people. It can take forever to get to the next destination! I met Renéelast summer when I joined Stylebook and our monthly photo shoots together are one of my favorite days of the month. It’s a crosswind of scouting, shooting, holding lights, interviewing, fixing hair, laughing and sharing – how inspired we are, how tired we are and how lucky we are. We just smile and carry on because we’re always feeling and doing all of the things. We’re also both military spouses whose husbands both recently retired, navigating yet another transition.

Renée shares, “You are who you are because of all your experiences. If you embrace those you become who you’re supposed to be.You can’t miss what’s right in front of you. Life is fleeting and everyone is at a different phase in life. Important to take the time to play with the kids – go on walk, read a book and snuggle!  God blessed us with each of our boys…and they are who He created them to be. It’s our privilege to help them grow into who they are supposed to be…we don’t want to change who they are…but together Sam and I  can help them grow, and having the love of your life at your side doing it all is everything.  I love what I do so much and I want my kids to find whatever makes them feel that way and gives them joy…in a town they love.”

Of her five sons, aged from kindergarten to college, Renée says, “Thank goodness we have five different personalities…it would be boring to raise kids who were all the same.  It keeps our perspective open and they realize they are always better together.”

The Gage family moved back to Alexandria in the summer of 2019 after being gone for five years. “We moved back into our old house at 11pm on a Saturday night. It was filled with blankets and food. This is the type of community we live in, we were welcomed back with open arms – to our HOME!”

Renée’s love of photography extends back to childhood. “I remember my dad taking pictures when I was little. I was drawn to them…and my grandparents’ old photos, the stories they were able to tell.” In college, her roommate did black and white photography, and Renée took a photography class and “fell in love with the dark room. It was pure magic. I was so absorbed watching images magically appear on paper and it was so quiet in there.” With a degree in marketing with a focus in photography, she worked in corporate America after graduation, while also taking photography classes. “I came home from work one day and said to Sam, ‘If I got hit by a Mack truck today on my way home, I wouldn’t want my last day to be spent doing something I didn’t love.” 

Sam understood and she followed her passion back to photography. “I had the support of my husband, parents, family, friends and mentors. Tom Jones was my first mentor and encouraged me to enter state and international photography competitions, Jay Stock, Gail Nogle and Alan Boutot also helped guide me over the years.” Her print competition accolades include Kodak Gallery Awards, Best Portrait of a Child, and Top 50 Portrait of a Child in the country. “I’ve had my studio for 23 years and I’ve taken it with me everywhere we’ve gone. I earned my Master of Photography from PPA (Professional Photographers of America), as well as my Craftsman degree; it’s a combination of intense print competition to earn merits, teaching and education.  Because of these experiences and our military moves, I have met photographers and friends from all over the world.” 

As an elected Governor of the prestigious  American Society of Photographers (ASP), she established the Ambassador Team to build a program that welcomes, guides and educates  new members within ASP to  find their space and help them continue to achieve their photography goals. “I’ve always had a love of photography and with all our moves, it gave me an opportunity to explore my personal projects. I embraced black and white Fine Art Infrared photography, from the boats in Washington State to Sea Stories…waiting for Sam to come home to Dreaming Tree – taken on a dear friend’s ranch in Texas, these black and white infrared images share such an ethereal feeling, dreamlike..”

Today, Nepenthe Gallery represents her fine artwork and the API has five of her pieces hanging in their office. “I’m grateful to have had pieces hanging at the Capitol…Epcot…. pieces in an exhibit in Korea, firms in D.C.  and especially in family’s homes.”

She embraces and loves the portraiture she creates for families, children, newborns and seniors as well as embraces the professionalism of head shots and commercial work. “It is a gift to be able to create in all arenas, finding the joy in each image. And always feeling the love and support of the community that surrounds you.”

We’re grateful to have Renée as Stylebook’s Street Style photographer. When I ask her how she came onboard, she shares a chance encounter that led to new friendships and collaboration. “I went into Old Town and was shopping at Monday’s Child for Wyeth. Maura (the owner) introduced me to Sarah Phillips of the Scout Guide and Sarah sent me to photograph The Hive. Elizabeth (owner of the Hive and founder of Stylebook) then asked me if I would shoot Street Style. It’s all about collaboration and connection. In the fall, it will be two and a half years of shooting for Stylebook. Old town is woven together by those who want to bring good people together. Someone always has someone else they want to connect you with. It’s how we keep growing and moving forward.”  

Renée says there are no coincidences and that every choice we have has a ripple effect on the next thing. Her meeting with Maura was a catalyst and they connected immediately and began collaborating on heirloom photography sessions at Monday’s Child. As Virginia's signature heirloom photographer, she’s excited to share a style she’s been mastering for over 20 years – her classic black and white vignetted images that have found a forever destination with so many families. All heirlooms are printed on fine art paper and hand-signed. When she suggested I bring my daughter to capture her age in this type of unique portrait, I happily agreed.

After 23 years, she opened a physical studio space for Renée C. Gage Photography at 7946 Fort Hunt Road. It’s by appointment only, and one you definitely want to make. I’m also happy to share that Renée has joined Stylebook as an official contributor and we can’t wait to read her monthly articles. 

Renée signs everything “Shine Bright” and when you meet her, you’ll immediately grasp that because her energy puts you at ease. “I journal a lot…to find the light in myself, for my family, as a photographer I’m always looking for a light, and finding light, being the light.” 

SEE ALSO:  Street Style: Meet Photographer Renée C. Gage