Make Way for Christmas
The best time to start decorating for Christmas is when you have energy for it! In my younger years, time got away from me, and I wouldn’t decorate until well into December. I do enjoy decorating and would spend a fair amount of time doing it. Before too long, it was time to take all the decorations down. Exhausting! If you’re going to spend time making your home look great, I strongly urge you to do it right after Thanksgiving. You then get to enjoy everything for the whole month of December.
Timely Tips
When decorating a room, you usually need to take some décor pieces away to make space for Christmas. Put those items in the Christmas storage boxes and then reverse the order when it’s time to pack up Christmas.
Don’t fall into the trap of decorating every room and surface. Less is more and allows pieces to shine on their own.
It’s ok to leave some decorations in the attic! Use them next year-just like going on a trip sans kids-when you return you love them even more.
Stagger your decorating-start with your tree and tabletop décor. Save the outside for another day-preferably when it’s freezing cold or raining-those were usually the days I picked!
Best to stick to one theme: Traditional, Luxury, Country, etc.
Never refuse help and try to include the entire family as much as possible. Once the kids get older, they are at college or out of the house so make decorating memories early.
Patina Polished Living has a variety of decorations. Pop by and find your special treasures for this year! Also, lots of gifts for everyone. See you soon!
SEE ALSO: The Rolls Royce of Candles