Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Katelin Moomau

Can-Do! When I hear the name Katelin Moomau, Can-Do! is the first thing that comes to mind. The second thing that comes to my mind is, how does she do it and do it so well?! While Katelin practices all areas of family law, she is a well-respected and highly sought-after divorce attorney at Family First Law Group in Old Town, Alexandria. Katelin is also a volunteer extraordinaire currently giving her time to The Campagna Center and the Fairfax Law Foundation. Previously Katelin served as a Guardian Ad Litem (a court-appointed advocate for juveniles.) In her remaining free time, you’ll find her at George Washington’s Mount Vernon, attending events alongside her husband, Matt, the Vice President of Media and Communications at the estate. Chances are you will also find both of them volunteering in the estate’s Greenhouse!

Katelin’s boundless energy knows no limits! She loves to cook and is known to bake up a storm! In addition, she is the best dog mom to her Bichon, Max. And if that’s not enough, she loves traveling the world - most recently Hawaii, Wisp, Miami Beach, and Amsterdam. Did I mention she also makes custom earrings and necklaces?!

I am thrilled to welcome Katelin Moomau and the Family First Law Group to the Alexandria Stylebook community! Her first three articles were incredibly well-received and I am not at all surprised our readers loved the topics she covered, including prenuptial agreements and Advance Directives. I can’t wait to read what she writes next!

Personally, I am beyond excited to work closely with Katelin again on a shared passion - Alexandria!

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography

Katelin is styled by The Hive.


Neighborhood: Potomac Yard

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 4 years, but my office has been in Old Town for 12 years!

What is your hometown? Oakland, Maryland

What brought you to Alexandria? Work, but then I found that I was spending my weekends here too!

What would surprise people about you? I grew up on a cattle farm, and my nanny had a dairy farm, so I grew up a rural farm girl - riding horses and milking cows!

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? Reading people’s minds.

Favorite cocktail: Gin and Tonic with lime (I’m serious about the lime)

Last book read or movie seen: Another Roadside Attraction

Guilty Pleasure: Shopping

Phrase you overuse: Bless Their Hearts

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: The latest season of The Great

Bucket list travel destination: Vietnam

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Wine!


Define your style in three words or less: Curated Classic Interpretation

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Ferragamo Varina flats

Favorite trend ever: Wide Leg Pants

Favorite current trend: Cropped jackets and sweaters because I am so short-waisted.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Lipstick!

Favorite fragrance: Hermes Jardin Sur Le Nil

Heels or flats? Flats, I’m always running all over Old Town.


Favorite room in your home: Kitchen

Antiques, modern, or a mix? A mix of both.

Last item bought for your home: Belle Epoque Coverlet

Next planned purchase: A new coffee table.

Favorite way to entertain: Having a party with lots of friends over to my house.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? A bit of both, everything has its place, but the bedroom chair always has clothes in it!

Wallpaper - yes, totally modern or no, so dated: Totally modern!


Your go-to work-out: Exercise bike

Most fun way to exercise: Skiing!

Group exercise or solo: Both, one clears my mind, one pushes me to work harder!

Fitness goal: To be able to run 10 miles.

Haven’t yet but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: A half marathon.

Proudest fitness achievement: Keeping myself accountable to 4 days of workouts for a whole year.


Favorite spot in Alexandria: The Front Porch

Last purchase in Alexandria: AGolde jeans from The Hive

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: St. Elmo’s/Brut/ Nasime

Favorite local organization: The Campagna Center

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Scottish Christmas Walk Weekend