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Become an Expert! Yoga & Pilates Advanced Trainings for Teachers

This fall/winter, Mind the Mat is offering advanced trainings for yoga and Pilates teachers with internationally recognized instructors and local experts. What’s the difference between a good teacher and an excellent teacher? Knowledge and skill! Get more of all that at Mind the Mat. 

Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingOctober 19-20, 2018

What’s “Yin Yoga?" The answer is not fully discovered through words. To understand Yin Yoga one must experience it. Immerse yourself in a weekend designed to be both personally and professionally transformative. Explore Yin Yoga through the perspective of yogic philosophy, learn methodologies for teaching Yin Yoga, gain knowledge on intelligent sequencing, and seize the opportunity to practice teach and receive feedback. Click here for more information. 

HAWT Pilates Teacher TrainingNovember 1-4, 2018

HAWT Pilates Teacher Training, developed by physical therapist Dr. Megan Brown, guides teachers to hone skills for excellent Pilates instruction. This is not a one weekend course; this is a four-day seminar followed by a close apprenticeship with Megan to help apply the science behind the method. You will learn some basic and advanced core anatomy, class sequencing, and the nuts and bolts of Pilates-based movements.This method not only reduces low back pain and prevents injuries, it’s also a kick butt workout. Literally kick butt — this method will redefine the derriere and just about every muscle in the body, even those that are currently hibernating. Upon completing the program, you can teach this method anywhere.To apply, it is recommended that you have participated in Pilates exercise classes for at least one year and/or be a professional in fitness, yoga, or allied health (physical therapy, etc). For more information on HAWT Pilates Teacher Training expectations, daily training schedules, and/or to apply, see our website. Admission is rolling until program is full.

What HAWT Pilates is all about from Mind the Mat Pilates & Yoga on Vimeo.


85 Hour Prenatal Yoga Teacher TrainingJanuary - March 2019, one weekend monthly

The vast majority of students practicing yoga are women in their childbearing or post-pregnancy years. Childbirth effects a woman’s body like nothing else. Train with expert Sara VanderGoot, e-RYT 500, co-owner of Mind the Mat, creator and director of Mind the Mat’s Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training, Certified Massage Therapist, and Doula. Sara has been working with pregnant and post-pregnant women through yoga, massage, and birthing for 20 years.In this training you will not only become knowledgeable about how to support pregnant or post-pregnant students in your non-specialty classes but will become equipped to teach an expert prenatal and post-pregnancy yoga class that directly addresses the functional needs of your students. Expertise about special populations is a sought-after skill in the yoga world and having it will give you the confidence to work with the specific needs of many of your students. This training will round out your current yoga knowledge base beautifully. Click here for more information. 

300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher TrainingJanuary 11 - June 30, 2019

Internationally Recognized Kripalu Teachers & Local ExpertsIntegrate Science and Spirit!

 If you've done your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and are looking to become an advanced teacher, this program may be just right for you!

Have you been teaching and yearn to express what is in your heart?

Are you ready to fully embody your role as a teacher?

Do you feel the urge to evolve as a practitioner?

Are you ready to enrich your personal practice and teaching?

If any of these questions resonate, this 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Program has the potential to fulfill those needs and more. In this program you will become intimately involved with the practice and teaching of yoga in sophisticated and nuanced ways. The knowledge and experience you will gain along with the supportive, joyful, and connected community surrounding you, will change the way you approach practicing and teaching forever.Your wise and humble teachers will share tools that will enliven your offerings and your sense of purpose as an instructor. In this this program they have seamlessly integrated a vast body of knowledge by mindfully building a sophisticated curriculum weekend after weekend.

This pose is not a prerequisite for the training!

You will gain profound knowledge in areas such as evidence-based studies and the ancient texts, neuroplasticity, stress resilience, working with special populations, advanced asana, authentic teaching, balancing the doshas, and advanced pranayama and meditation.Your teachers are highly qualified and experienced. Their teachings are not only infused with the knowledge they have gained through years of rigorous study and practice, but also with the power of their experiences as teachers and leaders who are personally devoted to a path of transformation. Click here for more information.