Alexandria Stylebook

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Hmmm… I Never Thought of That

I pride myself on trying the items in my store. I take things home nightly to try them. I firmly believe that if someone asks me what I think of something, I better have an honest answer. This is actually no easy task. I have thousands of products in my store. I don’t claim to have tried every single color of eyeshadow, but I’ve tried at least one of them in the formula. I’ve tried the moisturizer. I’ve used the conditioner. But the mere number of items means, I generally try it once and have to move on to the next. If I love it, I keep using it.One thing I didn’t realize is that I can be a huge fan of a product and yet not know all its wonders. I recently read an article by a woman who professed her love for the Nuxe Dry Oil. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be that remarkable. I, too, am a huge fan of the Nuxe Dry Oil. I use it on my body and occasionally, I use it on the ends of my hair. The scent is fantastic and it absorbs quickly while still moisturizing deeply. But when I read her article, I admit that I had never considered using it the way she had.She used it on her face. Not only did she use it on her face, but she used it to combat her acne. She claims that it changed her skin and that she can’t imagine living without it. Her before and after pictures were astonishing. I admit that I was embarrassed this use never occurred to me.It made me realize that there is always something to be learned, always a way to use something that doesn’t present itself at first glance, always a reason to keep trying things. As a lover of face oils, I think I have the next one in my line up. I can’t wait to see what else it can do.