Alexandria Stylebook

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Introducing Penny Perks

In September, Penny Post celebrated its first anniversary. I cannot tell you how grateful we are to all of our supporters for making the first year as successful as we hoped it would be. In order to thank you all and to give you another really good reason to come back, we are introducing Penny Perks, Penny Post’s new loyalty program.It’s easy to join. The next time you are in the store, sign up by giving us your email address and birthday (if you’re so inclined). If you are currently on our mailing list, then you are already registered. Though, please give us your birthday so we can add it. After that, simply give us your name every time you purchase something so your purchase goes towards your rewards.What are the rewards you ask? There are many and they increase with the more you spend. Everyone starts earning as soon as you sign up (even if you have been on the mailing list). Here’s what you get:As a special thank you to Penny Perks members, we have several double point days planned this year. Look for your first one in April during National Letter Writing Month! These will be perfect opportunities to add to your totals and increase your benefits, because once you get to the next level, you stay there. So, sign up as soon as you can and start earning!

P.S., Some restrictions will apply, naturally.