Alexandria Stylebook

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Kiskadee’s Own Marie Kondo

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you are well aware of who Marie Kondo is. I admit I binge watched all of the episodes of Tidying Up. I especially love the closet clean outs. One of Kiskadee’s fabulous ladies, Tracy, reminds me of Marie Kondo. I was lucky enough to inherit a bunch of amazing employees from Darby and Neil…Tracy is one of them. She has worked at Kiskadee since its opening 11 years ago and it’s been very helpful to me to have so much historical knowledge.In her previous life, Tracy was a flight attendant. She got very good at keeping a lot of things organized in a small space in order to serve the passengers on board efficiently. She brings the same work ethic and skills to Kiskadee. She keeps my store looking organized, clean, and well merchandised. You can always tell that Tracy worked the day before. I don’t know how she manages to do it, but she makes everything seem new and fresh. She also happens to have a side gig of helping people organize their closets and calls herself a “closet keeper.”I asked Tracy about how she goes about it and what she recommends. First, she wants the person to be present. Every piece of clothing, pair of shoes, etc., comes out of the closet. Each item is individually looked at and tried on, if necessary. Several piles are then created: keep, consign, donate, and a sentimental pile (this is where my prom dress and military flight suit would go). She likes to organize sleeveless to long sleeve and by color story, sweaters and jeans should be folded, and skirts are hung. Having all the same hangers also makes for a nice presentation. This process could take several visits. I know she’s helped several of my customers! If you need help in this area, feel free to stop by and chat with her.Here is an example of her work:[nemus_slider id="57570"]