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Contact Your Senator Today! This Legislation Gives You Fitness Dollars

For many years, I’ve wondered how a country could that generates, by far, the most sales globally in fitness gear, devices, and equipment can at the same time leave so many without access to informed exercise. How could we, the greatest country in the world, not incentivize our citizens with a “gift” to get fit?Why wouldn’t insurance companies want patients to exercise more? Exercise is the panacea and a known gateway to health. Exercise is good for the brain, the skin, the heart, the lungs, muscles, and may even prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. And, we all know, exercise is the key to weight maintenance.Well, the wondering is over. There is a more than a movement, there is legislation. It's called the PHIT Act, and it's already passed the House and is slated to be on the Senate docket very soon.The PHIT Act would allow Americans to place up to $2,000 in pre-tax accounts like Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA) to pay for qualified fitness expenses including memberships, classes, and personal training appointments and for reimbursement of physical activity expenses, lowering the cost of living an active lifestyle for adults and children alike.To make sure this very important legislation passes, contact your Senator. For Virginians, contact Senators Tim Kaine and Senator Mark Warner to let them know you want this bill passed because you want to be rewarded for all of your hard work!You can read read more about the PHIT Act here