Alexandria Stylebook

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Preparing for Summer Getaways, Gifts & Styles by Occasion

We’ve all pretty much got our summer travel schedules mapped out. We have that wedding in June, going to your friend's beach house for a week, and then a big hurrah somewhere in August. It flies by.While you’re dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s on the schedule, you’re surely thinking about what you are going to wear for those special occasions. But what about the everyday? What is going to pack easily and what are you going to bring as a hostess gift? A wedding present?Here are a few of our favorite scenarios… 

The Weekend Wedding

Who has just a day of wedding events anymore? They take over an entire long weekend with lunches, welcome bonfires, and rehearsal dinners for everyone in town. This takes an expert packer if you are traveling a distance. Don’t forget the wedding gift! 

Beach Week at Your Friend's Beach House

This is obviously a very casual affair, but you’ll surely be going out for one or two nice dinners together...and you’ll need a killer hostess gift for the person who has everything. 

The Big Family Getaway

You’re packing for the entire family, not just for you, so this has to be strategic. If you forget something for yourself, worst case scenario, Mom needs to head into town to the boutiques! If you forget something for kiddos, that could be a serious whoopsie. Pack them first, and then use this guideline to get yourself prepped.