Alexandria Stylebook

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Time to Glow Up

I don’t recall ever having heard the term “glow up” before the pandemic, now it seems I hear it all the time. Apparently, (for those of you like me who aren’t familiar with the term), to glow up means to have an overall transformation of yourself mentally and physically for the better. Since we’ve all been forced to avoid crowds, a lot of people are taking this time to “glow up” so that when we emerge from this pandemic, they’ll look and feel better. I like the concept in principle.In reality, I feel as though I have done the opposite. I think while all those people were busy glowing up, I was busy… dimming? I ate too many takeout meals from restaurants in an effort to “support them;” I spent a ton of time overseeing my business rather than overseeing myself; I avoided places like nail salons and dermatologists in order to socially distance; and perhaps the most damaging of all was not going to the gym even after it reopened.Don’t get me wrong, for a couple of months at the beginning of this whole thing, I was on fire. I was walking early every morning. I was eating incredibly healthy. I was working out with a trainer. But then the reality that this was going to last much longer than I initially thought started to creep in. I got up a little too late to walk one morning and then one morning turned into two. At night I’d watch the news and all I would hear about was COVID for an hour. I’d hear about business after business closing and then I’d grab a glass of wine. Not exactly calorie friendly behavior.I always start the new year with a renewed vigor to take better care of myself. This year though, I really have every intention of “glowing up.” I need a mental and physical transformation. This past year has been tough on both of those things for me. Winter is always particularly challenging because I’m not a cold weather gal, so it will take some extra effort. It won’t all happen overnight. I have to start with the mental and then move on to the physical. Adrien Cotton of Alexandria Wellness always says to start the day with two minutes of physical activity right when you wake up. It sets the tone for your day. I think I’ll start there and little by little turn the dimmer switch up.If you’ve turned the dimmer switch dial a bit too far yourself, I’ve created a package to get you started back on track, at least as far as your beauty regimen is concerned. I call it the “Glow Up Kit.” If you mention reading about it in Alexandria Stylebook, you’ll get a 20 percent discount. Time to glow up! 

Get 20% off your purchase when you bundle any hair mask, nail polish, body oil, and face mask.