Alexandria Stylebook

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Celebrate! 3 Reasons Why It's Worth Marking Your Milestones, Big & Small

This spring marks six years in business for 529 Kids Consign. It’s not the first anniversary, or a “big” one like our fifth last year, so I was almost going to just let it slip by. But then I thought about how it’s important to mark milestones no matter if the number is “special” or not. There so much negativity in the world today and it’s easy to get wrapped up in the doldrums of our days, so I think when we have the chance to celebrate something, it's our duty to make a point to do so. It can be a birthday, business or wedding anniversary, completing so many classes of a new workout, the first year back to work after staying home with kids. Whatever it is, here are three reasons why it's worth recognizing those moments. 

1. Reflecting

An anniversary or milestone is a great time to reflect. Especially as a business owner, it's important to take a look back on a season or year to see what worked well, what didn't, and how it compared to the same period of time previously. As the wise philosopher George Santayana once said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." So take some time to look back so you can learn -- and excel -- going forward.

This was a major moment over the past six years: a 2016 visit to FOX 5 DC for a Back-to-School fashion show.


2. Goal-setting

I don't know about you, but when I have a wedding anniversary or a birthday coming up, I know I want to look and feel my best. Cameras will be flashing, and there are party dresses to wear. With that in mind, in the weeks leading up to the event, I'm sure to be extra careful with my eating and I am diligent about getting in my workouts and making healthy food choices so I can feel and look my best for the big day.On a business level, this year I am really looking forward to the new licensing opportunity we will be offering. With this, we'll give the opportunity to other aspiring shop owners across the county to tap into the 529 Kids Consign formula, by opening their own boutique with our name and the benefits of our successful business model. We are hoping to sign five new shops by our seventh anniversary, so if you or someone you know has their own goals of opening a retail business, let us know!

Joining customers and friends for the 529 Kids Consign 2nd Anniversary bash


3. Giving thanks

Another special thing about marking milestones is it’s a great way to say thank you to your support group. At 529 Kids Consign, we always offer a shopping promotion for our customers to say thanks for your business.At my wedding anniversary, I’m always sure to say thanks to my husband with a small (and sometimes big) token. Some years for my birthday, I’ll have friends over for dinner. It’s funny, in younger years milestones were all about me. Now it’s really about being grateful for those who stuck by me another year!

With family and friends to ring my 40th birthday


Looking ahead

Just as it is important to reflect when you mark a milestone, it's also important to look ahead. So with that, we will certainly be celebrating our six years next month. Please stay tuned to our social media pages (@529KidsConsign) for fun giveaways and details on our in-store party.And the next time you want to skip over milestone, remember someone else didn't get there. Go ahead and celebrate it, however that means to you!