Alexandria Stylebook

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Why Your Microfiber Hair Turban Doesn’t Work Anymore

When you first bought it, your microfiber turban dried your hair in lightning time. Lately, it seems like it just isn’t working anymore. What happened? It turns out…it could be how you’re caring for it.Microfiber is a synthetic material made out of two fibers, polyester and polyamide. Microfiber suitable for cleaning, as opposed to upholstery, is made by splitting each strand of fiber. By splitting the fibers, each strand becomes 200 times thinner than a single strand of human hair. The more times the fiber is split, the more absorbent the cloth becomes. A single cloth can have the same surface area as a cotton cloth four times its size and it can absorb seven times its own weight in water. In addition to this, microfiber cloths are positively charged and that positive charge attracts negatively charged dirt and grease. Making it not only absorbent, but very effective for cleaning as well.  The beauty industry seized on the power of microfiber and created super-absorbent hair turbans and powerful (yet gentle) make-up removing cloths. The good news is that cleaning them is easy. The bad news is that many of us don’t know how to properly care for them. A good microfiber turban or cleansing cloth should last for years. How do we make sure that’s the case?  It’s pretty simple. Just remember no fabric softener, no bleach and no heat…these are the enemies of microfiber. Wash them in the gentle cycle with your laundry detergent or hand wash. It’s best to wash them together and keep them separate from all other items. This is especially true in the dry cycle. It’s best to air dry your microfiber or set your dryer to air fluff. Heat can melt your microfiber. Even if it doesn’t melt, your dryer blows lint around at a significant rate and your microfiber will grab those particles making it less effective.So, instead of buying a new turban or makeup removing cloth every six months, just follow the tips above and your hair will once again be dry in lightning time.