Artist Paints His Muse in Maine: The Art of Procrastination

We all do it, but some of us do it better. Procrastinate, that is. I've been trying to find my reason as to why I have not yet created a portrait of the fabulous Maria Elizabeth. The cobbler's son has no shoes because he is busy selling shoes for food. This is true of many professions. It doesn’t diminish the artistry in creating Art for your audience, but the business of Art can certainly change your priorities. Could it also be that I'm a little afraid? Not of my skills in portraiture, but of my ability to capture and convey what Maria truly means to me.

Creating a portrait is not just about the technical skill; it’s about encapsulating the essence of the subject. Maria is more than a muse—she is a source of inspiration, a beacon of creativity. The challenge lies in translating her vibrant spirit onto the canvas. A tall order.

For now, let's keep it light. What follows below and in the weeks to come will be a journal dedicated to the process. I am excited to share with you not just my Art, but also an insight into the many talented Artists who, through their dedication, excite, inspire, and encourage us all. This journey is as much about the evolution of the artwork as it is about the stories behind each piece and the incredible individuals who inspire them.

Maria, Maine, and the Portrait

Since 2020, this portrait has remained unpainted. In October of that year, Maria and I were living our best Covid lives in Maine. We were on the edge of Acadia for a couple of weeks while I finished several landscapes for an upcoming show at Artemis Gallery in Northeast Harbor, Maine. One evening, as we walked downhill along a wooded, meandering path in the moonlight, we reached a spot on the water along Frenchman's Bay—a place that has inspired at least 100 of my paintings.

The night was serene, the air crisp with the scent of pine and the sound of gentle waves lapping against the rocks. The moonlight bathed everything in a silvery glow, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere. It was in this magical setting that I asked, "So, what do you think? Want to pose for a painting down on the rocks?"

Warm candlelight against the cool blues of the night—it takes an hour for your eyes to adjust to the night and begin to see clearly. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows, adding a mystical quality to the scene. Finding the sweet spot between a portrait and a landscape is tricky. In my process, I leave room for nearly all artistic decisions to be made in the presence of my subject. Even intent. Be in the moment, feel your experience, and let it do the heavy lifting. This moment felt big! This painting will also be big.

The challenge is not just technical but emotional. Capturing the interplay of light and shadow, the texture of the rocks, and the tranquil yet intense aura of Maria is a task that demands complete immersion. As I stood there, absorbing the ambiance, I realized that this was not just another painting—it was a tribute to a moment in time, a piece of history shared between us.

Stay tuned….

P.S. You might notice that I capitalize Art and Artists. This is personal and serves as a reminder of Art's often overlooked importance. Art is not just a hobby; it’s a vital part of our culture and identity, reflecting the soul of humanity.

Don Ripper


Born in Washington, D.C. and a proud alumnus of Corcoran College of Art and Design, Don studied under the tutelage of renowned artists including: William Christenberry, William Newman, Hays Friedman and Tom Green. Don Ripper’s landscapes and portraits reside in notable private and corporate collections across the USA and abroad. In 1993, Mr. Ripper co-founded Northern Virginia based art services company, Erickson & Ripper. Together with Jeff Erickson, they own Erickson & Ripper Gallery and Del Ray Picture Framing. He is currently engaged to Maria Elizabeth, owner of Salon DeZEN, and resides in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia.


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