Becca Is Back!
Those of you who have been shopping with me for years may remember Becca Cosmetics. Many of you may remember it fondly for their fabulous products. Others may remember it with less fondness for their inability to stay stocked on product. I, too, had a love/hate relationship with the brand for these reasons. I struggled for several years trying to keep the product, pleading with the reps to get our shipments, and ultimately realized that the company couldn't get their act together quick enough for me to keep it. In the end, I had to pull the line.This happens a lot in the beauty industry. Fabulous artists with great ideas and wonderful formulations quickly realize that they can't meet the demand of stores that are continually requiring new colors, new products, and constant marketing. As a result, they go out of business. Over the years, we've lost Paula Dorf, Sue Devitt, Scott Barnes, and others to this phenomenon and once stores start to kick you out, comebacks are almost impossible.Almost. Luckily, Estée Lauder saw the beauty of the brand and acquired the line in late 2016. Since then, the line has skyrocketed with sufficient funding to meet supply and innovation demands. Several collaborations with celebrities like Chrissy Teigen have raised the brand's profile and garnered it even more of a cult following.
You know the saying, "once bitten…" I was excited to see the line resume it's once flourishing status, but I decided to sit back and make sure the new-found success was here to stay. I wasn't about to bring the line back and once again get my customers hooked on it if I couldn't keep it stocked. Over the past two years, I've seen it grow and gain popularity and I've kept in close contact with the rep company as to their stock status and shipping times.Satisfied that the company was solidly on track, I called up and asked them to open once again at Bellacara. The line arrived this week and it is gorgeous. Becca has always been known as a leader in the complexion category. With three different foundation types, concealers, and highlighters for every skin tone, there is something for everyone. Now that they've mastered that category, they have just launched a lipstick line that is absolutely beautiful. I am so excited to have it back in store and I hope you'll come in and take a look for yourself.