Alexandria Stylebook

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Do You Know What Your Carotenoid Antioxidant Level Is?

You’ve probably heard quite a bit recently about carotenoid antioxidants and how beneficial they are for our bodies, but have you ever had your level measured? Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals or substances that destroy or damage cell membranes. So knowing your carotenoid antioxidant level is beneficial, especially as we age and begin to worry about preventing signs of skin damage and wrinkles!

Salon Meraki is excited to announce that we have a neat device to measure your carotenoid antioxidant level in seconds! The BioPhotonic Scanner is a cutting-edge measuring tool that gives you a Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) - immediate evidence of carotenoid antioxidant activity in your body. By placing the palm of your hand in front of the scanner’s safe, low-energy blue light, you will obtain a reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin- your SCS score - which has been scientifically correlated to overall antioxidant status.

In less than one minute, you can find out if your diet, lifestyle, and supplements provide the antioxidant protection you need for promoting health. Schedule an appointment with us to learn more!