Give the Matte Lip a Break…Without Buying New Lipstick

I love a good matte lipstick as much as the next girl. Half the lipsticks in the store are matte. Who doesn’t love a long-wearing lip color? The problem is I’m just feeling the matte lip is “oh so fall/winter” and I need some spring in my life. But if you’re like me, nine out of 10 lipsticks in your bag are matte. So how do we wear the colors we love, without buying them all again in glossy versions?It turns out that matte lipstick formulas are easily transformed into stains. Dab a bit of the matte lipstick into the center of your lips and blend out and into the lip with a lip brush. Blot the lipstick with a tissue. Apply a clear gloss over the lips and the color shines through in a fresh and ethereal way.

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Makeup artist Tom Pecheux says, "When it dries, it not only leaves behind the lipstick, but also a stain, so it feels like the lipstick becomes part of your lips, whereas a colored gloss just sits on top of them. It's the same feeling as when you apply foundation and powder and dry blush, versus applying foundation and cream blush and the two creams melt together on your skin."So break out the clear gloss and give those matte lipsticks a new lease on life. 


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