Single Girl Survival Guide: 5 Things Needed for The Home

My aunt always joked that she didn’t need to get a new man, that she had a dog who farted and snored. When I was little I didn’t get the joke, I do now. And maybe she wasn’t joking? I have never really lived alone before. I went from living with my mother to college roommates to living with a partner without much in between. My ex was fairly handy, so I didn’t have to fix much around the house. It’s been almost two years of living solo. I know, I know, that really isn’t that long. But in the process I’ve learned what things I needed to be able to take care of myself! 

Tool Kit for Single Ladies

1. Tool Kit. I didn’t own tools, and you are going to need them. I got a multitool kit with socket wrench, screwdrivers with multiple heads, hammer, level, pliers, and then also an electric screwdriver! (You might want to add on a drill too. I also have teak outdoor furniture and a sander is essential)

2.  Jar Opener. Seriously– one of the few things I needed a man for! My XO jar opener is essential and can open anything my grip cannot.

XO Jar Opener

3.  Step stool. Ok, I will be honest, I needed one of these before, but now there is absolutely no way I can reach anything without one. My instant pot in the high kitchen cabinet, my purses on the top shelf of my closet, the bins of sweaters. (I also use long tongs to get spices and water bottles off the top shelf of the kitchen, the ones with silicone coating work the best for gripping)

4.  Portable Car Jumper Battery Pack. I do have AAA which is great for all sorts of car emergencies, such as a flat tire, or a dead battery, but when there is no one to come when your battery is dead in the middle of nowhere (or randomly at Yates Car Wash, what?) a portable battery pack is a lifesaver, and super fast to plug in and jump start yourself. In an emergency it can also power a phone or other device too, but really, use it for the battery and keep it charged.

Portable Car Jumper

5. Pet. My aunt was right, I am so happy coming home to my dog Max!  He is always happy to see me, walks with me, snuggles with me and keeps me warm at night! It’s a big responsibility and expense when you’re alone, and I’m lucky to have lots of friends who help with Max. And he absolutely makes me so happy. I don’t know what I would do without him sleeping right up against me.

Katelin Moomau, Esq.

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Katelin Moomau is a founding Partner at Family First Law Group, PLLC. She graduated from McDaniel College Magna Cum Laude in 2004, and Catholic University Columbus School of Law in 2008. Katelin primarily practices family law, representing a wide range of clients with various family law issues, and is a family law mediator. She chairs the Lawyer Referral Service Committee of the Alexandria Bar Association. She is also a member of the Fairfax Bar Association and Virginia Women Attorney’s Association, Diversity Conference and Equality Virginia. In 2020, she was named one of Alexandria’s 40 Under 40 by the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. She was also voted a Super Lawyer Rising Star by her peers and is a Northern Virginia Top Attorney for 2021.

Katelin has been involved with the Campagna Center since 2009, serving as EDC Chair, Secretary, Chair Bowties and Belles, Vice, Chair and Chair Ex-Officio. She has mentored fellows for the Mount Vernon Leadership Program, and she conciliates cases to help parties find resolution in the Fairfax Juvenile Court for the Fairfax Law Foundation. She also volunteers at Mount Vernon.



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