"Moms make it happen..."

I am the luckiest mom in the world. Hands down. There is no competition. I won’t wax poetic about how wonderful my two kids are but I will say that they are complicated, flawed humans who give me endless joy – and frustration. Every decision I ever made lead up to creating these two people and I wouldn’t change a single one of them. The boy will be 16 this month and we are in the beginning stages of searching for the college that’s right for him and his attention issues. The girl is 13 and will be starting high school next year. She and all her peers should get a Cowardly Lion-sized medal of courage for making it through middle school. Parents, too. Especially moms.For it’s the moms – whether you’re of the stay-at-home variety or the work-out-of-the-home kind – who do the kid management. Doctor’s appointments, haircuts, birthdays with their parties and presents, Easter baskets, tooth fairy, Santa Claus, family photos, family vacations, meal planning, lunch packing, back-to-school shopping, practices of all sorts, parent-teacher conferences, PTA meetings, field trip chaperoning, bake sales, Halloween costumes, and on and on, moms make it happen. And, it’s seamless to everyone else.Don’t get me wrong, Dad does his fair share of heavy lifting, but it’s Mom that manages life for the family. Dad may take the kid to the friend’s birthday party, but it’s Mom who RSVP’d, added it to the family calendar, bought the present, wrapped the present, and coordinated the rest of the family’s schedule around the party.That’s NASA-level project management, my friends, and Mom deserves to be treated like the bad-ass she is. So, we have put together a few things that we think Mom might enjoy receiving this Mother’s Day. Here’s wishing all my fellow moms out there a peaceful, relaxing Mother’s Day! 


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