Moving Soon? You'll Want To Read This!

Are you planning to move in the coming weeks or months? At NEAT Method, we are the experts when it comes to moves!  So whether you're packing yourself or hiring a professional moving company to pack your belongings, it's important to be organized.

Step 1: I highly recommend going room by room and tossing or donating anything you no longer use. Don't pay to move something to your new home that you don't need!

Step 2: Make sure your items are in the rooms and are labeled for their destination at your new home. It sounds silly, but if boxes that are in your attic in the home you are moving out of will go to the basement in your new home, then they need to be labeled "Basement."  

Photo credit: Blue Bird

Step 3: Inventory and make a list of your belongings and the rooms that they belong in. This will help if you can't find something important or valuable

Step 4: When it comes time to unpack in your new home, start with the most important spaces!  Typically, this is the kitchen, followed by the primary closets. If you have kids, you might prioritize getting their spaces unpacked and organized first. You know your family and their needs best!

And, if you ever need the help from an expert team, we are just a phone call away!

Lauren Sadlon

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As the natural-born organizer of kids’ spaces, Lauren is already passing this trait onto her sweet daughter. Born in Pennsylvania, graduated from James Madison University, and has called NOVA home for almost 20 years. A broadcast journalism major who has worked in television, restaurants, and marketing. Met and married her husband on New Year’s Eve and loves celebrating with lots of sparkle. A weakness for shoes, coffee, wine, and travel, she is usually working on planning her next trip or making a list (of her lists)! You can often find this multi-tasking gal out for a run, volunteering in the community, or enjoying wine with friends.

703.963.3603 | @northernvirginianeat


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