My Simple Summer Skincare Routine

I have what can politely be called “difficult skin.” It’s oily. It’s sensitive. I have dermatitis and eczema. So when Kathleen asked me to write about my skincare routine, my first reaction was, “no way.” But after giving it some thought, I decided, why not? My clients compliment me on my skin every day and often ask about the secret to my flawless complexion. Yes, you read that correctly. Even with the issues I just told you about, my skin looks - and feels - fantastic.

How is that possible, you ask? The answer is simple: less is more. It took me a long time to get to this point. I’ve tried every product under the sun. I’m not kidding. I could start a beauty blog about all the products not to try if you have skin similar to mine. Some of them just didn’t work, but the majority gave me a terrible reaction - I’m talking breakouts, rashes, swelling. One product - that will remain nameless - left me with a rash that lasted for weeks!

So back to my simple skincare routine. I start by washing my face with Sircuit Pro daily gentle face wash. I use this in conjunction with the LumiSpa facial cleaning device. Several versions of this facial brush are on the market, but I have found this one to be the best. The LumiSpa is an electronic brush that really gets in and cleans my pores, and the massaging aspect of the brush helps smooth and brighten my skin. My skin feels squeaky clean.

I follow the wash with a 10% Vitamin C Serum. Every. Day. Everywhere you look these days, someone is touting the benefits of Vitamin C in our skincare. I’m here to tell you that it’s true. This serum by Sircuit Pro is probably my ride-or-die. It helps brighten my skin tone and fights those fine little wrinkles I see creeping up.

The last step in my morning routine is a lightweight moisturizer with sunscreen. I love the Day Dream Protective Lotion with SPF 35 by Nutricentials. Because my skin tends to react badly when I apply too much product, I find that the combination moisturizer with sunscreen works best for me. Sunscreen is a must for me because (surprise!) my skin burns easily, which is not only painful but also increases the risk of skin cancer. I also have freckles that get bigger when exposed to too much sun. I read somewhere that 60 percent of the appearance of aging is due to sun exposure. No, thank you.

At night, I repeat the first two steps, but I apply Sircuit Pro Dreamweaver Night Time Skin Repair instead of the moisturizer with SPF. I also add a lip mask to my routine every night. I bounce around between a few, but the bottom line is - find one you like and use it nightly if you have dry, chapped lips like I tend to have.

I occasionally get a Hydra Facial from Kathleen. One of my clients recently described it as “the best facial in town.” Kathleen wrote about it in Stylebook a few months back. It really is the best facial - I also use it, along with the Sircuit Pro product line, on my clients with every facial I give. It rids skin of dead cells and toxins and locks in moisture and any serum we apply. It leaves your skin feeling so good and clean - I can’t say enough about it.

And that’s it - the secret to my skincare! I use very little to no makeup, not even concealer or foundation. It just doesn’t work with my skin. And because my skin looks so good, I am not at all self-conscious about not wearing makeup. And I’m not kidding when I say I get compliments every day on my skin.

We carry the Sircuit Pro product line at Salon Meraki. If you’d like to learn more, come get a skincare consultation or a facial and see for yourself!

Gwen Do

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Salon Meraki was created with the desire to become not only a salon but a way of living - embracing your mind, body and soul, living and style; we are inspired by our name to give our clients a taste of the love, passion, heart, and soul that we put into our services daily.


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