Alexandria Stylebook

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National Breast Center Foundation Holds 6th Annual Walk To Bust Cancer

The National Breast Center Foundation is pleased to announce its Sixth Annual Walk to Bust Cancer. This year offers both an in-person, outdoor event at Fort Hunt Park, Alexandria, VA, on Sunday, October 24! Last year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Fort Hunt Park walk was moved to completely virtual. “The walk was so well received last year, even in the middle of the pandemic, that we decided to offer both options this year, so people could do what they are most comfortable with,” stated National Breast Center Foundation Executive Director Martha Carucci.

The Walk to Bust Cancer will be partnering with several Alexandria shops, restaurants, exercise studios, and more to promote the walk and Breast Cancer Awareness month. A pair of giant angel wings, now a known symbol of the Walk to Bust Cancer, will be traveling to different locations throughout Alexandria, where people can take photos, tag on Instagram and Facebook, register for the walk, and learn more about breast cancer risks and genetic testing.  You probably have seen them at some of our Stylebook Members storefronts! “The success of the traveling angel wings last year really took the Walk to Bust Cancer to a different level,” stated Mary Edwards, a breast cancer patient who conceptualized, designed, and painted the wings. “The wings allow people to honor those who have lost their battles but also represent those being lifted up and supported as they fight along their journey,” added Edwards.

The October 24 Fort Hunt Park in-person walk will include a DJ, inspirational dances, mindful meditation, exercise warm-ups, and cool downs. The event program will also air videos and messages from virtual walkers and their celebrations from across the area.

“The list of women waiting for screening mammograms is growing rapidly. The longer they remain on that list and wait, the greater the risk of later stage detection and cancer advancing and spreading,” said Dr. David Weintritt, Founder of the National Breast Center and Foundation.  “We all know someone - a family member, neighbor, co-worker, or friend - who has been touched by breast cancer.  This is a global problem, and we are committed to making a difference starting right here in our own community,” he added.

The Walk to Bust Cancer has raised over $375,000 from prior walks and is the single biggest fundraiser each year for the National Breast Center Foundation. Martha Carucci emphasized, “the impact of the pandemic continues to hit our patients, as many women (and men) have lost their jobs and insurance coverage limiting proper screening and treatment for breast cancer. Funds raised with this year’s virtual and in-person Walk to Bust Cancer will allow us to provide care that directly benefits our community during these unprecedented times.”

For more information about the walk, please go to or email

Located in Alexandria, Virginia, the National Breast Center Foundation ( exists to improve the lives of women by removing barriers that prevent them from getting proper screening, diagnosis, treatment, and education about breast cancer.