Product Review: Self-Tan Remover

Most of us have had at least one self-tan fail, if not a few. You know the feeling: you wake up the morning after applying self-tanner only to look in the mirror and be horrified. Maybe you missed spots. Maybe the color was more orange than tan. Maybe it ended up in all the creases of your knuckles, elbows, ankles...and just looked dirty. What do you do? Hide in your house? Wear long sleeves? Once upon a time maybe, but not anymore.Now we have St. Tropez Tan Remover and Exfoliating Mitt. This innovative new foam is simply applied to dry skin on the areas you want to remove the tan. Let it sit for five minutes. Take your exfoliating mitt and rub all the areas well. Get into the shower and rinse, and use the mitt again to exfoliate. For really dark areas, you may have to repeat the above steps. It worked beautifully on the creases at my wrists and the unevenness on my feet. I definitely won’t self-tan again without these. 


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