Love Capsules: Capturing Moments in Time

Love is in the air, everywhere. Admittedly, I see the world through a rose-colored lens because I’m a professional photographer. My life’s passion is a blessing because I’m capturing people at their best, during special moments in their lives. And I get an extra dose of love when they receive their photos, because it’s an unveiling of their moments captured in time.  

My husband Sam and I recently attended the wedding of a beautiful woman who I have been photographing since she was in her mama’s belly. To watch her grow over the years and flourish is a gift. Her mother’s words that day made me smile: ”I just love LOVE!” Who doesn’t, really? We can all use so much more of it these days. 

When I’m doing a session, you’ll hear me say, “Close your eyes, and whatever image I’ve captured, I hope you’ve captured that image in your mind.” It’s like when you’re hugging your child, you can’t see their face, but that image of their loving face is in your head.  When your children are little you can wrap your arms all the way around, and as they get older that may change…their arms will wrap all the way around you!

There’s a time to be formal, but be silly and fun, too. Recently, we did a session with Kait’s four-year-old daughter and she showed up with pigtails and cowboy boots and a twinkle in her eyes. And that’s how Kait wants to remember her at this age. We let her do her thing with only a few parameters – no jammies for the sesh! 

From behind the lens, I see love in every form. The love and respect of a couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, the love people have for Alexandria, their community, their home, their friends. I adore capturing families with their first baby…and then seeing them with their second, and third…Here are just a few of some of my favorite love sessions:

With my family spread all over the country, I’ve really honed in on more visits “just to visit,” not because there’s a family emergency or special occasion. Sam and I have watched our parents’ love grow over 50-plus years and it makes me love my marriage even more. My brother is younger than me, and we have always been close. I took care of my baby brother growing up…and as we got older he started watching out for me. David checks in on me, even as adults, our sibling love always growing. Enjoy your people in the here and now and – bottle those moments in time!

SEE ALSO:  A Space of My Own

Renée C. Gage

Renée C. Gage is a local Master Photographer who has specialized in capturing families, children, expectant mothers, and professionals with her camera for over twenty years. Renée is known for preserving life’s rich beauty and capturing the little moments that mean the most with elegance and eloquence.

Renée is a member of the American Society of Photographers and in 2022 was awarded her Photographic Craftsman Degree by the Professional Photographers of America. In 2020 and 2021, two of Renée’s images won the prestigious “Best Portrait of a Child” award from the Virginia Professional Photographers Association and “Ascend” was named Top 50 Portraits of a Child in the United States.


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