Shopping Early For The Holidays

We start receiving tartan dresses and Santa pajamas in July. I always put them in the back stock room because it's just way too early to even begin thinking about December. Even in October, Christmas feels so far away (73 days away for anyone who is counting). This year, it's different, of course. COVID, COVID, COVID interruptions and repercussions. When a local store owner told me they were worried about Lego inventory, my personal Christmas shopping panic set in.

Although Monday's Child has been very lucky so far with few interruptions receiving our inventory, the reality is some of my vendors won't be able to fulfill some of my orders for numerous reasons. Many factories overseas have been shut down during more recent COVID outbreaks, there are limited shipping containers to transport the products that are ready, and if those products are able to make it into the U.S., there are major delays in unpacking the containers and then truck driver shortages to get the products to their final destinations. There are no holiday guarantees that items will be restocked for the busiest time of the year! According to a recent Bloomberg article, "Covid outbreaks have idled port terminals. There still aren't enough cargo containers, causing prices to spike 10-fold from a year ago. Labor shortages have stalled trucking and pushed U.S. job openings to all-time highs." Yikes! While supply chain disruptions have the potential to put a serious cramp in holiday planning, there is a simple solution for consumers to overcome these challenges - shop early.

Fortunately, we are stocked for the holidays with adorable clothes and toys, and we love to help you pick out the perfect present. Gift wrapping is always free, and we can easily write cards and ship gifts for you. I'm personally starting my shopping now because the selection of inventory this year just won't be what consumers are accustomed to. And just when people are starting to get into the holiday spirit a few weeks before Christmas, the gifts and clothes you want to buy might not be available as they have traditionally been in the past. By shopping early, you can get ahead of the holiday season, and then maybe you can sit back and enjoy the season without having to race around at the eleventh hour.

We thought it would be fun to take some inspo from Old Town Books (have you seen their amazing new mural on Prince Street?) and pull together some cute looks based on holiday books they recommend. Books are always a great gift, and they have an incredible selection for all ages.

And, the really good news as you go back to drinking your pumpkin spice latte: you know you are in great hands when you are shopping local; we have so many of the best small businesses in the DMV to help you this holiday season.

Shop these looks online from Monday’s Child; Shop these books from Old Town Books.

Shop these looks online from Monday’s Child; Shop these books from Old Town Books.

Maura Burchette

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Owner | Monday’s Child

Born and raised in Alexandria and married to a native Alexandrian as well! We love living in Old Town - just a few blocks from the store - with our three little boys and golden retriever Rumpelstiltzkin. Although my first job and real love was retail (the Lilly Pad where Mint Condition is now), I worked in Public Affairs and PR prior to buying the shop, which has really been a dream come true for me. I feel so grateful to work with our customers to find the perfect outfit for their special childhood moments. When I’m not at the store you can probably find me at an Old Town park chasing the boys or on my yoga mat.

A classic children’s boutique in Old Town, Alexandria for 40 years, we carry special occasion and play clothes for sizes newborn to 12. Located in the historic Crilley Warehouse just two blocks from the water, Monday’s Child is your go-to shop for baby gifts, baptism gowns, holiday dresses and outfits, boy’s blazers and ties, First Communion, shoes, books, toys and much more.

Monday’s Child I 218 North Lee Street I Alexandria, VA 22314 I 703.548.3505

Monday-Friday 10am – 6pm I Saturday 10am – 5pm I Sunday 12pm  – 5pm


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