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Why a Nighttime Skincare Routine Should Differ from the Day

It can be daunting looking at all the products on your bathroom counter. Cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and sunscreen. Add to that the fact that some products are for morning use and some are for nighttime use, it can get a bit confusing. Do we need different regimens for day and night or can we pare it down?If you’re under 25 you can probably get away with using the same products for morning and night. But for those of us who have a few more birthdays under our belts, that probably won’t cut it.In the morning we should use products that protect our skin from the environment. A product like Skinceuticals C.E. Ferulic serum boosts collagen and fights free-radicals. A good sunscreen should be applied to protect our skin from harmful UV rays. Lastly, it’s important to hydrate our skin. During the day this often means using a light-weight product so our makeup will apply well over it.At night on the other hand, we should use products designed to counter the harm done during the day. According to dermatologist Ted Lain, M.D., “Skin uses nighttime to repair itself, reversing all the damage that was caused by sun exposure, stress, and pollution during the day. Dermatologists attempt to take advantage of this natural process by augmenting it with products that facilitate the repair and regrowth process, for example, products that include growth factors, stem cell stimulators, retinol, and DNA-repairing enzymes.”  Products like Rilastil Re-Sleep and Zelens Power A drops are among my favorites.   Since our skin repairs itself at night, prepping the skin properly is important. According to dermatologist Dr. Dennis Gross, “One of the biggest mistakes is not properly cleansing and removing makeup before bed, but it’s not too late to break that habit! Make a point of thoroughly removing makeup before going to bed. When makeup remains on skin, it enlarges the pores which is a sign of aging. Additionally, leaving makeup on the face could lead to inflammation, which can generate free radicals and lead to collagen breakdown.”  In order to properly cleanse our skin it is often necessary to use a makeup remover and follow with another cleanser. This isn’t generally necessary in the morning. A light cleanse or a swipe over the face with a refreshing toner is often all that’s required. We also tend to require a heavier moisturizer at night. Dry air from heaters, our pillowcases and exfoliating products are drawing the moisture from our skin. A heavier moisturizer will keep our skin hydrated.So although it may be tempting to stick to the same five products day and night, we really aren’t doing our skin a service by doing so.